Chapter 2

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I stared as this new guy for a while before it was possible to rip my eyes from his and speak.

"Yeah I Just need to call my mom first and find out where my friend is because she's the one picking me up" I told him.

"Oh shit! I forget I'm supposed to pick up my cousins friend right now because, poor girl, her dad got in a life threatening accident at work and her whole family left to go see him" He explained with a sad expression on his face.

I had thought for a second of who it could be but didn't think to much about it because I had so many things on my mind. I called my mom and waited for her to pick up. I felt like it rang forever so I watched the guy which still has no name ask Sophia, another dancer at the studio, a question. When she responded, he turned pale and worried, and even though I had only known him for less then a minute I new something was up.

"Hello Jenna" my mother said with a raspy voice that sounded like she was sick or maybe she had been crying. I whipped my head around from the guy to face the mostly empty parking lot.

"What's going on?!" I asked now realizing what might be happening though hoping it wasn't true.

"There has been an accident" she said. I could tell she was just trying to make it through the conversation. "well umm" he breaths got faster and she couldn't talk any more. "Just have Alyssa tell you" *beep beep beep*

I stared at my phone for a while before I closed it and looked up. I knew what happened. My eyes got watery and I felt someone run in front of me and hug me. I hugged back and cried not caring that I had met this person two minutes ago. What just happened! I couldn't think anymore. I just let the tears fall and held the guy tight. I never wanted to let go of him.

"It's going to be okay Jenna. It's okay. Everything's alright" He whispered to me while I gently cried on his shoulder.

After I calmed myself down and realized where I was and what I was doing, I pulled myself off him and I felt my checks get burning hot and red. "Sorry" I said with my head low so he couldn't see what a hot mess I was.

"Jenna! It's okay. Oh and my name's Felix" He said as he grinned at me. "Sorry umm how about some frozen yogurt now?" he asked still standing close enough that I could feel his warm breath on my skin. He was gorgeous and I would have loved to go but all I wanted to do right now was go home and watch Netflix with a gallon of "Chocolate Therapy" Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

"Can you just take me home? Oh and Felix"


"Thanks for being here. Even if you didn't mean to be" I told him. I noticed he blushed as he looked down and laughed to himself.

After a moment he looked at me and explained that he was Alyssa's cousin and he came for a visit, but she's at a tennis camp in San Francisco and her mom went to pick her up but they both wouldn't be back until late tomorrow so he was sent to pick me up. We then got into his rented car and I told him my address and we went to my house. I also explained that Alyssa is my best friend and why I was at the studio for so long and why I looked like I just got ran over by a train.

"Where are you from?" I asked after finally realizing his accent.

"Sweden! Stockholm, Sweden!" He said now with a real smile which made me smile as I tried not to think about the situation I was in.

"Wait so how are you driving right now?" I asked because how the hell does he know how to drive on this side of the road!

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