Chapter 3

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"Don't worry! I go to LA to record my songs and music videos so I got my license here" He replied making me a little less stressed. Wait what?

"So your in a band? Or are you riding solo?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm in a group with my 3 best friends, Oscar, Omar, and Ogge. Here I'll play you a song" He told me as me plugged in his phone to the car, "Play Suitcase! It's my favorite!" As soon as I pressed play I fell in love with the song.

"Wow umm this is like the best song ever" I said. He laughed and smiled at me. The song helped me get things off my mind well that and Felix was singing perfectly the whole ride. I pressed repeat about 5 times before we pulled into my drive way. I looked through my bag and and pulled out my house keys and we both walked in.

"I'm going to run into my room and change be right back!" I told him as I ran and quickly found a cute but comfy outfit to were. I then brushed out my hair, threw it in a messy bun and put on some mascara because the hottest guy ever is kinda in my living room.

"Hey, if you want to stay here for a while we don't have to leave" I heard him yell from the kitchen. "I do want to take you out someti..." he paused when I walked out.

"What? Is there something on me?" He still didn't speak, he just stared. "TELL ME!"

"Gosh, it's just... you look beautiful" he responded with a smirk.

"Thanks" I said almost in a whisper. I hate getting complemented because I never know what to say back and then I freak and then my face gets red and then everything gets fucked up. "So what if we just go get some ice cream and watch Mean Girls?" I asked trying to change the conversation.

"Yeah, I'd like that. And then we could cuddle up on the couch and share the same ice cream" Felix said as he gently put his hands on my waist and pulled me close to me as I placed my hands on his chest.

"Sure" I whispered right before our lips... wait hold up. I pulled away looking at the ground. I felt my eyes get watery again and the next thing I know I was back in Felix's arms crying again. "Why does everything happen so fast" I said in his ear as I cried in his chest, "I just want to slow down"

He kissed the top of my head and told me everything was going to be okay. I just couldn't help feeling like everything was wrong. I wanted to kiss him, but my mind had to drag me to my dad.

"Why don't I just drive you to where your dad is at?" He asked after leading me to the couch. He held me tight as individual tears came one after another.

"His work is 5 hours away and my mom texted me telling me that she didn't want me to come" I whispered to him. She wanted me to remember the good times we had together, not this. I argued with her for a while until finally agreeing.

"Why don't we just sit here then and watch something? I'll make the pop corn." He told my as I pulled my self off of him.

"Okay, what about mean girls?" I asked him, sounding way to serious but I really couldn't help it. My dad was dying and I was just sitting here with a guy I just met.

He smiled and nodded as he got up and made the popcorn. I got up and found some blankets and turned on Netflix. Felix came back with a huge bowl of popcorn, a box of Kleenex just incase, and 2 glasses of chocolate milk. He was the sweetest person ever!

"Thanks" I told him, blushing though my cheeks were already as red as tomatoes from crying.

"No problem. Do you want anything else?" I shook my head and took a sip of my chocolate milk. He sat down and put his arm around me. It gave me chills every time he touched me and having him here made me feel so much better.

"This is my favorite movie" He told me as the movie began, making me smile. We laughed together throughout the whole movie and I had a couple moments where my eyes turned into clouds and I couldn't stop the rain from coming but Felix held me the whole time, making sure I felt comfortable. There's just something about him that makes me never want to let go.

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