Science lesson

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I completely despised the way he looked at Sophia. His longing gazed at her throughout every lesson they shared together, albeit weren't many, pulled at my heartstrings as if they were supposed to be ripped out. Her obliviousness to it all made me want to punch Giorgio in his stupid, cute, and stupid face.

If it were me, I'd have given him the attention he's looking for. He has as much in common with Sophia as he does things with our headmaster, Mr Raenjaet Baerdaeshae. A respectable, thicc man of whom I'd get with any day of the week.

What am I saying? This is so gay! I'd be ridiculed for this kind of crap.

Despite all this, I still can't control myself. Every time I'm around him, my mask cracks more and more. It's a miracle it isn't a pile of ash already.

Science had started now. Mr Narayarayaran droned on for aeons as Giorgio turned his gaze toward Sophia. He turned to me and asked me for my opinion on what he should've done.

I mumbled curses under my breath and whispered to him "Go for it. You'll never know if you don't go. You'll never shine if you don't glow."

Giorgio clumsily rose, unintentionally kicking my chair, and shyly lumbered over to Sophia. As he approached her, my heart started beating incrementally faster and faster until I couldn't take it any more, and I unleashed a blood-curtling scream even banshees couldn't compete with.

The entire class turned to look at me in disgust and Mr Narayarayaran finally shut up for a single second, muttered "silly boy" and returned to his incessant droning, hardly affected.

I couldn't hear anything around me but static, and all I saw was Giorgio's lips moving without any sound.
" long... go out sometime?"

Sophia chuckled wryly, mentioning the name "Jaeskaeraenjaet" and winking at the alpha male himself.

A dejected Giorgio returned to his seat, and I stood up to comfort him, but he kicked the exact chair leg he did when he got up, and he fell onto me.

Time slowed down and my breathing sped up.

In the moment, I couldn't tell if it was his body forcing the air out of my lungs or if it was his mere presence.

We both briefly smiled at each other, our faces not even 10 centimetres apart, and a brief giggle escaped my mouth.

I could feel my mask cracking even more.

Neither one of us wanted to get up.

I wish I could've felt like that forever.

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