Mr Kaenvaer's Sacrifice

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"-to consume the both of you."

I stood next to Giorgio, sickened yet curious.

"M-mister Berdesh-" Giorgio tried to say.

"That's Mr Baerdaeshae, you stuttering fool." He retorted, a hint of bitterness seeping from his mouth.

"I've just about had enough of you, now get out of my FACE." Mr Baerdaeshae screeched, as he landed a devastating blow upon Giorgio's temple.

"Giorgio!" I cried as I sprinted over to my wounded lover.

"Now all I need to do is to consume you both. This is what they would call a walk in the park." Baerdaeshae smugly and overconfidently uttered.

He unhinged his jaw like a snake, leaping towards me, and a tall, familiar shadow stepped in, all before I could even react.

The shadow towered over Raenjaet and I, and it made me feel scared yet reassured.

"Ay, fam, you and the new kid gotta shiggy-diggy that biggie and book it." Jaeskaeraenjaet warned me.

I flinched at the sound of his mere voice, which made my mask find its own will to re-materialise.

I picked up an unconscious Giorgio and ran halfway down the hallway before I turned around to see Jaeskaeraenjaet beating Baerdaeshae within an inch of his life. Blow after blow landed upon Mr Baerdaeshae, and I almost felt bad for him.

He's winning, I thought. Why would I need to run from someone who's of no danger to Jaeskaeraenjaet? It'll be fine. He's got th-

My thought was cut off halfway before I heard Mr Kaenvaer's smooth, burly voice boom through the corridor.

"Jaeskaeraenjaet! What do you THINK you're doing to your headmaster? Show some respect and apologize." Mr Kaenvaer demanded.

Jaeskaeraenjaet, the intransigent and pertinacious guy I've always known him to be, had his back turned to Mr Baerdaeshae as he delivered an emotionless apology.

Mr Baerdaeshae seemed to have hoped for this, as he unhinged his jaw once more and took him up within seconds. Mr Kaenvaer, wide-eyed in shock, tried to stop this, sprinting toward him at full speed, but a rogue rock on the ground caused him to fall over, making him trip right into his mouth.

"Paerraey, come on back in! I miss you alre-!" Jaesmaen insisted before her train of thought was interrupted.

She recognised the glistening legs of Mr Kaenvaer as he was being wholly consumed, and she instinctively ran to try to save him, but was too late.

With a pained yell, she dove into Mr Baerdaeshae's mouth; she couldn't have been able to live without him.

I heard ungodly screams from Mr Baerdaeshae as he absorbed those three. It seemed as though he was undergoing a physical transformation of some sort - his hair became shorter, almost becoming bald. He shrunk, became skinny in some places and thicc in others, which was all I saw before I dragged Giorgio off.

I put Giorgio in one of the stalls in the boy's toilets and applied a bandage to where he'd been struck, to stop the bleeding.

"Kiss... me..." I heard him mutter as he was coming to. I felt the absolute need to oblige, and as my face approached his dark, chiselled face that even Adonis would envy, my breathing rapidly increased, to the point of which it felt like I wasn't breathing in the first place.

We were mere centimetres apart before he was fully conscious.

He put his hands around my neck, and he whispered to me in his calm, soothing voice "Hey. It's okay. I'm with you, and you're with me. That's all that matters."

I shyly muttered my thanks, blushing, and I felt his soft lips press against mine.

That was what they call euphoria.

Our lips separated eventually, despite neither of us wanting them to.

"Anil?" Giorgio said.

"Yeah, Giorgio?"

"Do you ever feel like everything is predetermined?" Giorgio curiously enquired. "I mean that, do you think something is willing our lives to be like this?"

"Honestly, kinda. I used to believe in God, but I feel like our lives are predetermined by two people - one of them is probably a girl who knows what she's doing, and the other must be some fuckin stupid guy, and they seem to alternate between who has control over us." I stated.

"It's nice to know I'm not alone in that regard" Giorgio muttered.

"Giorgio Giovanna." I pulled him closer. "You're not alone at all, not in any regard. You have me, and I'm never leaving your side, got it?"

I couldn't stop smiling at Giorgio's stupid, cute, and stupid face.

*A bell rings*

Students flooded the hallways, and we slipped into the crowd, just to be careful in avoiding Mr Baerdaeshae.

We're safe.
For now.

When night came, I didn't sleep at all, knowing of Mr Kaenvaer's sacrifice, and how I'm the reason he, Jaesmaen and Jaeskaeraenjaet are gone.

Tomorrow is another day.

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