chapter fifty two

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Sadly we're back to the real world but It still feels unreal because we're engaged. Fiona tells us that we have to be home for a special dinner for an announcement that she has to make. "Lets tell the family tonight" Lip says when I bring him lunch at work. I nod and then Tommy calls for everyone to get back to work. I kiss Lip quickly and then he goes to climb a ladder up to the roof. "Tommy! Why is my fiance getting on the roof?" I ask him. "Congratulations! One of the mexicans fell off so Lip's taking his place" He tells me. "if he falls off and hurts himself, its your ass Tommy" I tell him before leaving. As I was leaving I run into Mickey. "Hey princess" He smiles at me. "Hey Mick. Here to see lip?" I ask and he nods. "hes pn the roof" I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek before walking away.

When Lip gets home he showers and then tells me we have to go to the alibi room. When we walk in Mickey is playing pool. "Princess! Princesses prince!" He smiles when we walk in. Him and Lip start giving each other shit and we sit down for a beer. I ignore them fighting and Veronica gives me a beer. "Thanks V" I smile and then when I turn my attention back to Lip he kisses me. "I'm going with Mickey. I love you" he says and then runs out. I laugh and Veronica laughs. "Fighting one minute and leaving together the next" She says. "Give me that baby! Is this Jemma or Amy?" I ask her. "Jemma" She smiles and hands me the baby. "Hey cutie pie!" I smile and play with her for awhile.

Fiona never came home to tell us her announcement. Lip came home and told me something about Amandas dad and a job and he had to go back to school early. I knew he'd have to go back to school eventually but I thought I had a couple weeks left. "What did you and Mickey do last night?" I ask him and he shrugs. "Just hung out and drank some beers" He tells me. I nod and we went to sleep. When I woke up this morning I hear him and Fiona downstairs. I come down and sit beside Lip. "So what was your big announcement?" He asks her. He starts guessing and when he gets to married she nods. "Holy shit Fi you got married? Gus?" I ask and she nods. "Who the hell is Gus?" Lip asks. "I told you about him" She tells Lip. "Jesus. Married. Are you happy?" Lip asks her. "Do I seem happy?" She asks and we both nod. "I'm a little freaked out too" She admits to us. "Yeah sure. I was freaked out when I asked Emma to marry me" He says and her eyes go wide. I hold up my hand with the ring on it. "Were not getting married for a couple years but Fiance sounds better than girlfriend" I tell her and she smiles and hugs us both. "I'm so proud of you guys. Congratulations" She says. "Congrats to you too. I wish we coulda been there" Lip tells her. "I gotta get ready for work" She says. "I gotta finish packing" Lip says and I sigh and wrap my arms around his waist. "I'm gonna miss you" I tell him.

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