chapter fifty six

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"Are you okay sweetie?" My mom calls through my bathroom door as I puke my guts up. "Ugh I'm fine" I groan and sit back with my back against the wall. Mom comes in and puts a wet rag on my head. "Have you talked to Lip?" She asks me and I nod. "Financial aid is kicking him to the curb. I guess hes moving home soon" I sigh. "I wish we could help him. Thats just a lot of money and your having a baby and all" She tells me. "No no no it's fine. It just sucks" I sigh and she nods. "And Carl?" She asks. "Sentencing is tomorrow. Fi said she tried to get him to cooperate but he wont. We all knew he wouldnt" I sigh.

The next morning I get up and puke my guts out but manage to shower and straighten my hair and do my makeup in the process. I pull on a navy tshirt dress and head to court with Fiona and everyone else. Liam holds my hand as we walk in. Lip comes in a little late and sits down. "How do you feel?" He asks me and I shrug. "Sick as hell. I puke all day everyday" I say and he grabs my hand. "All rise" we are told as the judge walks in. "Please sit" The judge says and I hold Lips hand in both of mine in my lap. We watch as Chucky's hearing goes before Carls. Sammy gets up and makes a damn fool of her self like always and blames us for Carls upbringing. He gets sentenced to one hundred and twenty days in juvie, sixty with good behavior. Carl comes in wearing a nerdy outfit with fake glasses and everything. "Youve gotta be fucking kidding me" Sammy says. "Looks like an honorary young man to me" Lip smiles and I nod. "Do you regret what youve done Carl?" The judge asks him. "I did somethin really dumb" He starts and I smile and nod. "I trusted a fucking retard with a mans job. Next time I move a bunch of drugs I'll be smarter" He says. "There it is" Lip says and my mouth hangs open. "Its almost like he wants to go to jail" I whisper back. "If you wanna go talk to me off the record, nows the time. Otherwise you will end up in juvenile prison. Is that what you want?" She asks. "Yes please" Carl says and I sigh. "I sentence you to the maximum of one year" She says and I hang my head. "Fuck" I mumble. "It was bound to happen sooner or later. He'll be alright" Lip says. "Alright? He'll fucking run the place" Veronica scoffs. "Think he'll get scared straight?" Fiona asks. "In our fucking dreams" I laugh.

"Wait I dont get it... he's gonna pay your tuition and you dont have to pay him back until way later?" I ask as I talk to Lip on the phone later that night. "yeah. Its a loan from the guy that invented topless maid services" He tells me. "Woah. Thats crazy. Whats the catch?" I ask. "I asked the same question. No catch" he says. "Well thats awesome" I twll him. "I know. What about you and the baby? he asks. "What about us?" I question. "I wasnt really that worried about not being able to go to school anymore because you need me" He says. "We need you to be in school. Go to school, get your degree, and get a kick ass job so you can take care of us" I tell him and he laughs a little. "I love you so much. I wish I could see you right now" He sighs and I open the door to his dorm. "Hey handsome" I smile. "What are you doing here?" He asks ending the call and standing up. "I dont feel good and I like to cuddle when I feel bad" I tell him. He smiles and wraps his arms around me. "And I feel like I havent see much of you lately" I say into his chest. "I know. I'm sorry" He says rubbing my back.

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