chapter sixty one

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Fiona ended up finding out that Debbie was pregnant when Dereks parents showed up after they shipped him off to Florida. "Debbie has to get an abortion" Fiona tells me as we stand in the kitchen eating a pop tart. "I think that forcing her to get an abortion would be a horrible idea. Let her know she has options and she has your support either way" I tell her. "She doesnt have my support either way!" She yells at me and I shake my head. "Sorry Fi. It's not gonna be easy for her. She's gonna realize that she fucked up and maybe she will give the baby up for adoption or something" I tell her. "Or dump it on my lap and make me take care of it" Fiona sighs. "That wont happen" I tell her and then go upstairs to help Liam get ready. "Do you think I'm gonna be a good mommy?" I ask Liam and he nods. I laugh slightly and kiss his forehead. "Are you my mom?" He asks me and I shake my head. "No sweet cheeks. I'm your sister in law" I tell him and he looks at me funny. "What does that mean?" He asks me. "Well Lip is your brother and I'm gonna be married to him so that makes me your sister in law" I explain. "Ohhhh. Is Mickey my sister in law?" He asks and I laugh slightly. "If Ian and Mickey get married he will be your brother in law" I tell him. "Is your baby my baby in law?" He questions. "You'll be the babys uncle. Uncle Liam!" I tell him and he smiles big.

"Hey Debs!" Lip calls as we stand outside her school. She walks our way and I smile at her. "Hey baby cakes. Can I still call you that? Are you to old?" I ask and she laughs slightly. "What are you two doing here?"She asks. "Came to pick you up" Lip smiles at her. "To go where?" "Anywhere you want" Lip assures her but she narrows her eyes at him. "Fiona send you to talk me out of keeping my baby and taking me to the clinic?" She asks looking at me knowing I'd tell her the truth. I nod and she rolls her eyes. Lip gives her a small speech about being the lady at costco with a baby and a fistful of food stamps looking for a man. "Your having a baby Lip" She says. "Thats different Debbie. We are adults who are engaged and have finished highschool. You just started highschool" point out. "Who side are you on Em?" She questions me. "I'm on no ones side. I cant pick sides in this. If you want tokeep this baby, fine. You have my love an support. You get rid of the baby? You have my love and support" I assure her. "We can still take you home" Lip tells her. "Its okay. I'm gonna call Derek and talk to him in private" She tells us. "Are you sure?" Lip asks and she nods. "I mean about going to the clinic" He sighs and she waves bye and walks off. "You tried" I say propping up next to him and rubbing his back.

Lip and I pull up at the house later that night after dinner with my parents and find Fiona and Debbie wrestling it out ion the front yard. "Shit" I say and jump out and run over and try to get Fiona off Debbie but shes too strong for me. Lip finally gets them apart and I make sure Debbies okay. "Fuckin Gallaghers" Lip says as he sits back in the grass. I laugh and they all look at me. "I'm sorry but I just really fucking love you guys" I say and sit down next to Lip. he laughs and pulls me closer to him.

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