Chapter 1 (Edited)

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I couldn't believe it. All the compliments, all of the recognition and positivity, for once it all was overwhelming. I felt loved and appreciated. For once the good outweighed the bad. And it's all because of two people very important people: Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Marc Anciel.

Marinette had pushed the idea of us working together. She had read his writing first and set up a plan for me to read it, then work with him if I liked it. The issue was, she didn't tell me who wrote the story when I got it. The title was "The Diary of Ladybug", so I automatically assumed it was by Ladybug. In hindsight, it wasn't the brightest assumption. She told me to meet some anonymous person by the fountain that afternoon. When I saw it wasn't who I expected, I acted like a gigantic jerk. I still feel horrible about the way I treated Marc when I saw him.


I walked into the park with the diary against my chest. I scanned every inch of the park looking for 'a certain someone'. I was carrying the diary of Ladybug! I was astonished that Marinette could get her hands on this! It was insane that I was going to have a private conversation with Ladybug! It was absolutely the greatest thing to ever happen to me! My biggest inspiration wanted to meet up with me! 

I inched closer to the fountain until I saw her. She was in a bright red hoodie that covered the entire backside of her. No one around her even noticed she was there because of it. I held the diary tighter as I stood close to the fountain.

"Ladybug?" I reassured, probably blushing.

"Huh?" a soft and confused voice asked.

She turned to me and took off her hood revealing not Ladybug but, a familiar boy with bright green eyes and black hair.

"What?! You're not Ladybug!" I yelled at him.

"Of course it's not. I-It's me, Marc," He worriedly replied.

I realized then, it was a prank. Another chance for someone to make fun of me. I was shocked and disappointed in Marinette. I trusted her and she humiliated me!

I looked up towards the balcony of her house, that conveniently happened to be over-looking the park. There, I see her on her phone (that was probably recording me) and looking down at us. I couldn't see her face but, I knew she was laughing at me.

I couldn't believe her. How could she do this to me? She was playing with my feelings for fun. Just like everybody else in this god-forsaken school.

I held out the diary in front of me and exclaimed accusingly "You were just trying to make a fool of me! Weren't you?! You think it's okay to toy with my feelings?!"

"N-No, not at all!" Marc waved his hands defensively. He paused for a second and shyly looked away from me "I j-just wanted to make a comic book with you. If you wanted to, that is."

Are you serious?! First, Marc and Marinette humiliate me and now he wants to use me for his own personal game. I held the "diary" further away from me. The closer it was to me the more helpless I felt. 

"A comic book?! Us? Together? I will never make a comic book with you!" I ripped the book then and there with no regrets. I walked away from the scene. I didn't want to face his mockery anymore after that.

(Flashback End)

It turned out I hurt him more than he hurt me. I'm truly sorry for what I did and I've apologized thousands upon thousands of times. I jumped the gun a bit and left a bad first impression. Now, we've gotten to know each other and we are really good friends! We make a really great team. 

I hear a loud ding ruining my train of thought. I was brought back to the present. The surroundings of the Louvre, the sight many famous and inspirational artworks. And as it turns out I had been awkwardly staring at some random woman for a long while now. I quickly turn my head away and grab my phone out of my pocket.

I had gotten a text from Marc.

'Can you meet me at the park in 30? '


A/N: I'm finally writing a new story! This time for these adorable children.

I wonder why Marc needs Nathaniel at the park?

Anyway, until next chapter...

Later. ✌︎('ω')✌︎

Update: 12/22/18

Happy Holidays Guys! 

I just wanted to say thank you so much for your support on this book. I love reading your comments and feedback. I'm currently actually taking the time to edit this. There still isn't going to be a chapter 7 quite yet though...sorry about that. I still have no motivation for the next chapter. I've tried writing it but, it never turns out the way I want it to. 

So instead, I'm editing previous chapters. Some will have minor changes, like this one but, others might have major changes. (Also I'm going to be releasing a long-term fic called Words Are All We Have soon. 

Besides all that, I just want to say, thanks for supporting me by reading the book. I never expected it to get this much attention but, I really appreciate it. 

Bye for now <3


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