Chapter 3 (Edited)

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I opened my eyes and it was almost pitch black with just the slightest bit of light creeping through my closed curtains. There was a warm weight on my chest that I couldn't quite recognize. I blinked a few times confusedly as I looked down without sitting up.

There I saw a familiar boy curled up against me. I smiled to myself for a few seconds as I just admired Marc's beauty. I brushed a few strands out of his face and kissed the top of his head as he began to stir. He yawned and sat up next to me.

"Mornin, Babe."

I blushed.


Wait. I thought Marc left last night before I went to bed. Also, babe? Since when were we together? Why was this so casual?


Who cares?

I feel like I'm in my own personal heaven at the moment.

I sat up next to him and leaned in to kiss him.




Sweetie, you need to wake up it's almost 11!" I heard my mother's voice yell.

I opened my eyes (for real this time) to find myself hunched over my keyboard and still in my school clothes from the previous day. I sat up and arched my back to stretch.

I studied my computer screen to try and read the screen on its lowest brightness.

'Are you apart of the LGBT community? (quiz)'

Oh, yeah. That's right, I'm in the middle of a sexuality crisis. All because of that amazing moment where I touched Marc's hand. It truly seemed like the best moment of my life.Wait...why was it the best moment of my life? Did I actually have a thing for Marc? I couldn't possibly...

After the dream I just had, it was probably more likely than not.

"Nathaniel!" Mom called once again.

"One second!" I called back.

I needed to talk to someone about what I was feeling. I needed advice. I didn't care what it was, just another opinion would help. I only have one other friend that truly understands me and has her shit figured out. I headed out of my room not bothering to change or even try to look tame.

I walked through the kitchen, passing my Mom on the way on the way to the door. She was sitting at the kitchen island with a coffee in hand. She wore a white long-sleeve shirt and jeans. Her short normally curly brown hair was straightened. She had been awake for a while since she had her contacts in, making it easy to see her icy blue eyes. She normally intimidated me but, for some reason today everything seemed off.

"Good Morning Mom," I said as I grabbed my blue satchel bag from beside the door.

"Where are you going this early Nath?"

"Oh-, I'm just going to hang out with Alix for a bit...if that's okay?" I stated.

I knew what question came next and I dreaded it.

"Why? What are you two going to be doing there?" she asked in a suspicious voice.

How could I possibly explain myself? What should I say in this type of situation?

If I were, to be honest, I would've had said something along the lines of: "Oh, I need to talk to Alix because I'm questioning my sexuality and I need another opinion because I'm possibly falling in love with one of my best friends!

Comics and Kisses - A Marc x Nathaniel Story (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now