Chapter Four

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The next day was a free day, despite it being Monday. It was just more time for me to think about Marc. I knew for a fact I was in love with him. Everything about him was perfect; it was hard not to fall for him. Everything from his gorgeous eyes that sparkled like emeralds to his adorable shyness.

I wanted to tell Marc how I felt. I wanted to let him know how much he meant to me. I wanted to be able to hold his hand. I wanted to be able to kiss him. I wanted to be able to tell him how much I loved him.

He most likely didn't feel the same. How could he? We were just friends. It would remain that way until the end of time. The thought made me sad but, the truth wasn't always idealistic.

I was sat at my desk absent-mindedly sketching. Random lines and doodles were all over the sketchbook page. Among those doodles, was a  sketch of Marc.  I ripped out the page and sighed. Maybe I could tell him next time I see him, that would give me at least a few days before I had to confess to him.

Then there was a brief knock on my door before it opened. I turned around and it was none other than my mother.

"Hey, Mom. What's up?" I asked.

"I just thought I should let you know, your friend Marc is here. He wanted to go over your comic or something along those lines," she responded.

"Marc is here? Now?" I said worriedly. I thought I was going to have more than five minutes to mentally prepare myself for the confession. Yet, he was in my house.

"Yes. Now, you don't want to keep him waiting, do you? " she questioned as she started out of my room.

I crumpled and threw away the doodle of Marc and followed behind Mom. We arrived at the living room. He stood there awkwardly, somehow looking more uncomfortable than at school. When he saw me he seemed to become more relaxed.

I walked up to him and smiled. "So, you uh, want to go to my room?"

Marc nodded. We both silently headed to my bedroom. When we entered, we both sat down on my bed.

Marc cautiously took out his notebook out of his bright red jacket and handed it to me.

"I wrote some ideas down for the next issue of our comic, I was thinking we could develop some of the side characters a bit more?" he proposed.

I nodded and opened the book.  I scanned the bullet-point of story ideas.

"•Akuma based off of Princess Fragrance?

•Develop Reverser and Mightylustrater's relationship"

•Vampire akuma with a character based off of Juleka"

Wait. "Develop Reverser and Mightylustrater's relationship," Did that mean he liked me back? He couldn't...could he?  Of course, I wanted him to, it's just, he never really showed any romantic interest in me before. I hoped I wasn't blushing.

"So, which one do you like the most?"  Marc asked innocently.

"Um, uh, I-I like the Princess Fragrance idea!" I blurted. What was I doing?! That was my chance!

"Oh, okay." Marc's face seemed to fall. It silently screamed disappointment.  I'm the biggest idiot to ever exist.

"We c-could add the relationship development into it...if you wanted to," I suggested. What was I saying?! How am I going to suggest more of that idea without being obvious?! What have I gotten myself into?!

"What do you mean by that?" Marc questioned. He seemed confused as if he didn't remember he wrote that on the list.

"Uh, well, you know, the middle bullet-point?"

He grabbed the notebook out of my hands and read through it. His eyes widened and he blushed! He blushed at his own bullet-point! So, that must mean he does like me! I needed to make a move somehow...

"I-uh, I d-don't remember writing that! S-sorry," he stuttered out.

"It's fine Marc, I forget I'm drawing sometimes. Like this morning I accidentally drew-" I needed to hold the fuck up. I thought the point was for him not to find out about me just randomly sketching him! Why do I keep blurting things?

"W-what did you draw?" he questioned as he pulled his black notebook closer to his chest.

"Uh, just some Queen Bee art! It'd kinda crazy how you just draw things that are on your mind! It was nothing special," I blurted. I sounded like Marinette around Adrien. But, why didn't I just tell him I drew him?! I just passed up on another opportunity to confess to him.

Why am I so torn between confessing and not confessing? It hurt my head to think about. On one hand, I wanted to tell Marc how much I wanted to be with him. On the other hand, I didn't want him to not like me back. Why is love so awful and confusing? That's it. I had to tell him. There was no turning back now.

"Marc I-" I was at a loss for words. What do I say? I've never actually told someone I like them before.

"You what Nath?"  Marc asked.

"Um, I-, uh, well-," I scooted closer to Marc. Maybe I didn't have to tell him, maybe I could just show him.

"Marc Anciel, I have a-" I started, while mumbling. Both of our phones went off at the same time.

I sighed and grabbed my phone. It was just a Tumblr message.

"D-Do you want to answer the message,  Nathaniel?" the writer asked.

"Yeah, sure." I glumly agreed.

I read the message aloud "'Hi, this is Evelyn's friend. I was wondering if you could draw me in the comic? For free of course. I would like to be an akumatised victim that joins the team! Thanks in advance.' from ChatNoirsBaton69."

"How do you think I should respond? We obviously aren't going to put her in the comic."

"I, uh, don't think you have to. It says in our bio that we don't take comic requests," Marc reminded.

"Right. It also says any requests will get deleted. I'll just delete it then." I commentated as I pressed delete.

"At least she has the decency to thank us in advance," he joked. The two of us laughed for a second before we fell into a comfortable silence.

I stared at his pretty face. I took in all of his features but, my eyes kept trailing to his lips. He was wearing the usual  pink lip gloss. He looked more kissable then ever. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I felt as if it was getting harder to breathe.

I leaned in. Marc leaned in. Then our lips collided. I tasted his cherry lip gloss.  It was only for a few seconds, nothing really special but, it meant the world to me. When we pulled away all we could do was smile at each other.

Then, the embarrassment hit me like a truck. Did I actually just kiss Marc Anciel?!

"I-uh, I'm sorry," I apologized.

"You do need to apologize, Nathaniel. I actually kinda enjoyed it..."

"You like me too?!" I yelled.

"Well...yeah...I thought that was obvious," Marc admitted.

"So, uh, If I like you and you like me...does that make us boyf riends?" I questioned. My face felt like it was on fire.

"I-If you want us to be....I w-would very much like that," he stuttered out.

"Then it's  official. We're boyf riends," I grinned at him. He leaned in and gave me another peck on the lips.

This was the best day of my life.
A/N: Our gay children have finally gotten together! Nothing can go wrong now, right?!

Sorry this chapter is late! I'm on vacation so, its Benn hard finding time to write. Chapter 5 will be out by tomorrow however.

(I edited it)

Anyway, until next time...

Later! ✌︎('ω')✌︎

Comics and Kisses - A Marc x Nathaniel Story (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now