Chapter 5

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I woke up feeling happier and more energized than I have in years. It was a great day. The first day I could call myself Marc's boyfriend. The thought that he and I were finally together, it was wonderful.

I got up out of bed and got dressed. I put on my usual purple jeans and red tee-shirt with a black Magma logo. I slipped on my brown blazer and put my backpack on before heading into the kitchen.

My mom was sitting on a stool by the black faux marble island with a coffee,  as per every morning. My dad was nowhere in sight, I assumed he already left for work. He was rarely home since he did something with sales at some huge company. Mom was always here since she had a job that allowed her to work from home.

"Good morning, Mom," I greeted as I strolled over to the kitchen counter to make myself toast.

"You look happy. What happened?" she marveled.

I contemplated telling her about Marc and me. I knew deep down she would accept me. I just wasn't sure if I was ready to tell her. She still thought I liked Alix and she seemed so proud of the fact she "figured" that out. I thought I should let her hold on to that for a bit.

"Oh, you know, I just have a good feeling about today." I lied.

"Well this is a first," she addressed truthfully.

I grabbed my burnt toast and took a few bites before throwing it away.

"I'm going to head out now, bye!" I ran out the door.

Marc and I agreed to meet each other half-way so we could walk the rest of the way to school together. I thought it was a cute Idea and I would get to see him early in the morning.

I put in my earbuds and started down the way to school. It wasn't long before I saw him on the other side of the sidewalk.

"Hey, Marc!" I enthusiastically greeted.

He grinned and waved at me. He speed-walked across the street to stand face-to-face with me.

"Nice to see you again," he chirped. I smiled even wider.

"I missed you," I confessed.

"It's been less than 24 hours though,"

"So, that doesn't mean I can't miss you,"  I whined.

He chuckled "Well, we should start making our way to school if we want to be on time." I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers.

Once we stepped onto the school campus, he let go of my hand. I guess I understood why. It was already clear to me that Marc was more confident around me. At school, things were much different. Before we made the comics, other kids in his class constantly picked on him. If it wasn't for his looks, it was for his sexuality. I was lucky enough to have generally more accepting classmates, although I was bullied in previous years. The bullying only seemed to dial down for Marc after we released the comic. All of the shit-talking was usually done in the shadows now.

"I'll see you at lunch?" I asked as I turned to head the opposite direction.

"Yes. I'll see you then," he walked off to his class frowning.

I walked up the stairs and into my first class. It didn't start for another 10 minutes but, almost everyone was already in the classroom. My peers were scattered all over the room. Adrien, Marinette, Alya, and Nino were the only ones in their seats. Chloé was annoying Adrien with Sabrina right by her side, Mylene and Ivan were talking with Juleka and Rose in the middle of the 3 row. Kim was standing on the desk at the front while Max tried to convince him to get down. Alix was the only student not there. Ms.Boustier wasn't there yet either but, she had been running late a lot lately.

I headed to my seat in the back. I took out my sketchbook. I started randomly doodling a cover for the next issue of our comic. I tried my best to tune out the noise around me. It was rather peaceful in my own world until a hand slammed down on my table.

I knew who it was from carefully sculpted nails. Chloé Bourgeois. I sighed and looked up at her. She was wearing the same thing as always. Her black and white striped shirt with a yellow cardigan. Even if you didn't know her, you would be able to tell how much of a spoiled brat she was.

"Hello Nathaniel," she started in her normal annoying snotty voice. " I just wanted to tell you that I read your dumb comic book. The story was cliche, the characters sucked, there wasn't enough of me in it, and don't get me started on your partner," she snarled. Sabrina who was standing behind her nodded.

"What's wrong with my partner?!"

Chloé laughed.

"Where do I start? First of all his writing is lazy. He isn't even creative with his stupid writing. All it is is a bunch of stupid self-inserts into Ladybug and Chat Noir's life. Second of all, just look at him-"

"How about you shut the hell up?" I roared. "His writing is incredibly creative for fan fiction. It may have some cliches but, its better than the half-assed selfie collages you try and bring into the art room," I sassed.

"Whatever, you just don't-"

"No, no, no. I'm not done. 'Look at him'? Bitch, you're just jealous that he can wear makeup with looking like he has clown auditions after school. He doesn't act like the whole world revolves around him.  Another thing, he may have few friends but, he doesn't need to earn back their friendship every two months unlike you," I ranted.

This bitch was not allowed to diss Marc. I was completely fine with her not liking our comic, I wasn't expecting her to. Making fun of Marc is a different thing.

"Well-, I-, Um, Uh, None of that is true," she crossed her arms and looked away from me.

"Is it now? What fucking proof do you bring to the table? Ms.Borbi-"

"That is enough Nathaniel!" I looked at the front of the room where Ms.Boustier was standing. She looked angry, something in which rarely happened. The whole room was silent. I glanced around the class and realized everyone was staring at us. I looked at Chloé.  She was on the verge of tears.

"Fuck," I whispered.

"Head to Mr.Damocloes office immediately!" she pointed out the door.

I shoved my stuff in my backpack and trudged out the door. I was mad for a second, then I realized how bad I destroyed Chloé. I was more satisfied than anything.

I calmly stepped into the hallway and started to the Mr.Damocloes office.


A/N: Get Chloé some ice goddamn!

Anyway, I'm so so so sorry this took so long! My schedule has been super busy! The next chapter won't take as long, I promise. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Comics and Kisses - A Marc x Nathaniel Story (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now