Chapter Six

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I strolled down the dead silent hallway slowly. I stared down at the ground as I sunk deep into my own confident thoughts. I just fucking destroyed Chloe with the hard truth. To be completely honest, did she really think she was going to get away with talking about Marc like that? Not on my watch.

"I'll make them pay for what they did!" a feminine voice angrily screamed from above me.

I jerked my head upwards to find the source of the noise.

Up in the sky, there was a girl who looked about my age. She was sitting on an abnormally large black pencil like it was a broomstick. The girl had pink eyes as well as short pink hair. She wearing an orange sleeveless knee-length dress that replicated the design of a Number 2 pencil, accompanied by black leggings and black boots.

I was at a complete loss for what to do. You would think after so many Akuma attacks, I would grow to react to it a bit better. However, I just stood there, staring at the girl as she drew closer to ground level.

"Where is Marc Anciel and Nathaniel Kurtzberg?!" she shouted.

My eyes widened as the realization hit me like a truck. It was the girl from Tumblr.

I quickly turned around and started sprinting to the nearest hiding spot. I dug in my back pocket for my phone as quickly as possible. I dialed Marc's number faster than the speed of light.

"Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up,"

The number you tried to call isn't available right now."

I frantically called again as I entered an empty classroom.

"The number you tried to call isn't available right now."

I slammed the door shut as I dialed one last time.

There were a few seconds of silence before an angry voice picked up the phone.

"Hello, I'm very sorry but your friend cannot come to the phone right now. He is in the middle of a lesson and I cannot have you interrupting our-"

"Listen," I took a deep breath. Somehow Ms. Mendeleiev made me fear for my own safety more than the Akuma outside. This wasn't about me though. This was about Marc.

I continued on "ThereisanakumaoutsidethatisafterMarcandIandI'mprettysureIknowwhoitisandMarc'ssafteyisatriskandhekindameansmoretomethananexamorwhatever, please put him on the phone," I pleaded in a fearful garbled mess.

"I didn't understand any of that. Frankly, I don't care enough for you to repeat it either. Head to class immediately or there will be consequences. Goodbye now," the teacher proclaimed.

"No, wait! Please just let me talk-," That's when those three beeps of disappointment were heard. She had hung up.

Immediate panic and fear washed over me. I had no idea what to do, I could go to Marc's class but, I feel as if she would recognize me and she wouldn't even consider listening to me. On the other hand, what if Marc gets severely hurt? What if something terrible happens and it's my fault? What if he almost dies because of me?! What if because of my own stupid attempt and warn him, he never speaks to me again?! Dozens of what if thoughts fogged my mind of rational thinking. I shook my head clear, trying my best to do away with them.

Then screams of students. What if Marc was out there right now? The thought pushed me to open the door. I felt myself breathing heavily as I stepped out into the hall, almost instantly nearly trampled by dozens of people running to safety. I looked down to the bottom floor to see flashes of pink lights.

With every light came a unconscious student and people were dropping like flies.

"Marc! Nathaniel! I just need you to come here for I second! The Eraser has a few free requests she would like of you," She yelled as zapped another person.

She glanced around for any sign of either of us. Unsatisfied, she climbed back onto her pencil. She flew away out of sight. I sighed but I knew still, neither of us were safe. Where was Ladybug and Chat Noir?

I ran down the stairs hoping Marc would be somewhere predictable.
Yikes. They sure are in trouble now aren't they?

A/N: I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, Sorry it's so short! Also, another cliffhanger...Oof, my bad.

Anyway, I'm going to attempt to finish this book. I feel ready to give it another shot! Also, I'm going to be editing previous chapters sometime later tomorrow so, some chapters will be better and might have different paragraphs and more description in them. I'm really excited to finish this book. I apologize for being on a hiatus for such a long period of time.

On a side-not-story-related-note I've rebranded! If you couldn't already tell, I'm now CampMiraculous! Yay I guess!

Anyway, Until next time...

I'm finna YEET out of the chat ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2018 ⏰

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