>> Response <<

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At the moment, the only reply that Ren could think of was to gasp loudly and turn around after Haru had finished murmering into his ear. For a second, he thinks he might be imagining it, but right after Haru smiles at his so-surprised expression, Fumy calls over from the balcony.

"Haru-san? Haru-san! You are here!"

Haru smiles at her as she hurriedly walks from the house to him, and yet Ren hadn't said anything to him which worries him. Fumy comes and gives him a hug. "It's been so long since we've last seen you, Haru-san! How have you been doing?"

"It's good to see you too. I've been doing alright", he lightly laughs after his response.

After a few more conversing comments she beckons him inside along with Ren who still hadn't spoken to him throughout the whole exchange. As he was about to pull inside his luggage, however, stops when he hears a small 'Haru' beside him. He turns around to look beside only to find Ren smacking the side of his head.

"-Ow! What did you do that for?", he says which rubbing the sore area whee he got smacked. "What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be back in japan taking care of the shop?", Ren stubbornly tells him, evidently angry with his sudden arrival to Canada without notifying anyone.

"I was worried about you! You didn't contact me or anyone-Ow! don't pull my ear, Ren!", Haru whines when Ren keeps on with his stubborn attitude. But said brunette was flushing with a light tinge of red covering his cheeks. Haru smiles when he notices it and leans down to peck the brunette lightly and proceed into the house.

As Haru leaves, he fails to notice the now tomato-faced Ren scurrying through the hallway to get to his room. Seriously, Why did Haru have to act like a damn hopeless romantic?! Ren thinks.


Aki was frantically pacing around the room, ranting at his twin about how dumb their oldest brother was. Whereas said twin was content with himself after explaining the situation to their oldest brother's co-workers who seemed calm which was rather unusual.

What seemed the most unusual of them all was their cousin, Natsuo, who was sulking at the fact that he didn't get to go and meet Ren while also not liking the idea of Ren and Haru being alone (Regardless of the fact that Rob and Fumy would visit them.) 

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