>> Flight <<

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Ren wasn't the least bit surprised one to find Enomoto sitting in the window seat smirking and waving at him. He made his way over to his seat casually, ignoring Enomoto's mocking remarks.

I'll have to control myself from punching this guy for 9 hours, Ren thought as he suddenly got interrupted by a hand resting on his shoulder. Startled, Ren turned to see whose hand it was.

"Juuzen, stop laughing."

"Yeah, shut it punk", Enomoto said, only to be scowled at by Juuzen.

"Who you callin' a punk, you bastard". The remark wasn't surprising. He was always teased by Enomoto, calling him names like 'Gangster' or 'Punk'.

Ren tried to ignore the fight going on between these two idiots. He tried to focus his mind on the flight, but ended up getting dragged into the fight by Juuzen.

-Time Skip-

Finally.........Ren thought, getting his luggage at the entrance. He made his way into the bus, his school had arranged for them. Peering throught the window, at the scenery in front of them, Juuzen asked curiously.

"Oi Ren, Is your home somewhere here?"

"Nope, you have to travel 3 more hours to reach my house since its in the mountains."

Juuzen oohed.

Luckily, they didn't have to spend much time in the bus since the dormitory in which they would be staying was only 30 minutes away from the airport.

After reaching their destination, their homeroom teacher had already given them their room keys. Wandering through the halls, Ren checked for room 15. He found the room but was surprised to see the door half open.

Entering quietly, only to be interrupted by the sound of a chuckle, Ren growled lightly in utter dissappoinment.

Sitting on the bed was Enomoto, smirking. Dont tell me this gu-

"Your late. Got lost while searching for the room, eh Kaidou?"

Ren glared at him, only to receive a slight grin from the other party.

"At least be nice to your roommate", Enomoto said, trying to look slightly hurt.

I take back how I thought about this trip. This one month is going to be so troublesome.

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