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Tigress' POV

I heard a great crash and looked up from the wood I was floating on to see Shen's ship going down with the white peacock still on it. I smiled and looked around to see everyone cheering that they were freed from the oppressive ruler.
You have done it again. You saved Gongmen City. You really are the Dragon Warrior Po.
I smiled at the thought and looked around to see were Po was standing. My eyes went wide as I couldn't see him within the partying crowd which was slowly moving into the city. But I saw Monkey, Mantis, Viper, Crane and the three masters being held high. I frowned and looked over the remnants of he battle in search of the black and white warrior. I feared the worst when I didn't find him. My fatigue and my wounds were forgotten when I got up and searched the waters a second time. That's when I heard a splash behind me and someone climbing onto wood. I spun around and saw Po slowly climbing on one of the ships from Shen's wolf army that didn't sink. I smiled relieved and paddled slowly towards the ship.
"Hey Po.", I greeted once I was on the ship and sat next to him. "Hi Tigress.", he replied smiling at me. "That was awesome.", I said remembering how he had destroyed the entirety of Shen's fleet. Po just grinned at my comment. "Are you ok?", I asked when he wouldn't stop looking at me. "I should ask you that, I mean you just got hit by a cannonball!", he examined still looking at me. "I have never thanked you for that.", he mumbled looking away at the city were one could hear the people celebrating. "You have done enough to make it up to me. Without you we would have died.", I replied. For a moment we both looked at the city in comfortable silence. "Tigress/Po..", we both began. We looked at each other before bursting out laughing. "You go first.", I said while wondering what he wanted to say.
"Tigress, when you were hit by that cannonball and I couldn't save you I realized something. I realized that it was you who kept me going throughout all of my life. Even before we knew each other personally I always admired you for being the strongest of the five and always looked up to you wishing that one day I could talk to you. When I was selected as Dragon Warrior a dream came true and even after that you always motivated me to keep training. If it wasn't for you I would have quit a long time ago. And lately I started missing you whenever you weren't by my side.", my eyes went wide realising what he was telling me but I stayed silent, even when he took my hand I didn't intervene. "I keep thinking about you and I can't stop.. ", he continued but was cut short by a firework being fired into the sky and exploding. He winced and threw himself on me to get me down onto the boat. I was shocked at first but smiled at his need to protect me. "Po don't worry. That was just the villagers celebrating.", I tried to calm him down. He slowly looked up and behind him into the sky to see more fireworks explode. "So, you were saying?", I said seductively, sneaking my arms around his neck.
He blushed realizing the position we were in before looking me in the eyes. He hesitated before saying the three words that I had wanted to hear for so long. "I love you.", he said before closing the distance between us engulfing me in a kiss. "I love you too.", I whispered as we broke away for air before rolling him over so that I sat on top of him and going for another kiss.

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