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"Yep?" He turns his head from his permanent spot in the kitchen. I walk over to him.
"Don't take this the wrong way. Don't let it make us weird. You've been here for so long and you're always there. Well, I guess you don't have a choice. But...ha...I love you. And not as a friend." I look at my feet. I see him move his hand a little higher, as if he wants to pull my chin up, but he puts it back down.
"Raise your head." I do and look him in the eyes. He cups his transparent hand under my chin. I get the weird feeling shoot through my body. "I love you too."

I know he's been fading over these past few weeks, but it's been such a slow process I didn't think anything of it. He only started fading when I realized I really liked him. And now he's fading rapidly. He takes his hand away and holds it up to the light.
"What's happening?!" I scream. I try to grab him to make him stay, but my hands swipe straight through him, only making him get a funny feeling in his gut. "FELIX!"
"I think I know. My job is done. I was sent back to love you. Remember that I do and always will. I LOVE Y-" He's cut off, because he's ripped from this world. His soul is in heaven and I am alone. I run through the halls of my apartment complex screaming his name. I run down the street and find myself where he died. I run in the middle of the road and fall to my knees. I yell his name one last time before my body is met by the bumper of a truck.

How Exactly? -Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now