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"Good morning."
"What..." My voice doesn't seem to work right. It's...all...raspy.
"There's no easy way to say this, but you've been in a coma for three years. You were in an accident, you got hit by a car. We lost you on the operating table, your time of death was called out, but all of a sudden your heart started beating again. It was as if something started pushing you forward...so you could keep on living."
The nurse rambles on more things about what happened, but I don't hear anything. I saw Felix. I was dead. Why couldn't I have stayed dead? I could've stayed with Felix. I-
He's the reason I lived. Our hug...I-
"I'll let you be, your doctor will come by to explain how we go on from here."
When the nurse closes the door, I realize I was hiding my feelings so she didn't see. I begin crying. Tears stream down my cheeks. My broken voice tries to scream out, but not much comes out. I rip the I.V. out of my arm and move my legs to the side. As soon as my weight leaves the bed, I crumple to the ground. Doctors and Nurses rush in. I can't walk, because I haven't moved my legs in years.
   They handcuffed me to the bed. I just want Felix. I wish I was dead.

How Exactly? -Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now