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Everything is so bright and so white. I squint to ease the pain in my eyes. I open them to see I'm not in a hospital. But a beautiful surrounding. There's a light hum of music. I look around and see I'm not even aware of any place on earth like this.
"Welcome to Heaven." I hear a familiar voice say. I shoot my head around.
"Felix!" I jump up and run over to him. I hug him for the first time and am immediately calmed. His hugs are so nice.
"What are you doing here?"
"I don't even know that myself."
"She ran out in the middle of the road after you joined us." A nearby angel states.
"Is that true?"
"I was kind of absent minded. I didn't know what I was doing. I just wanted you." I hug him again.

How Exactly? -Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now