Chapter Seven

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Try as he may, Julius could not ignore Ira's presence as she stood pouring tea into his mother's cup. His eyes instinctively ran over her form once more and warmth immediately spread all around his body.

What was wrong with him?! He fought the urge to groan in frustration, nearly desperate to be wed for it felt like the longer he had Ira around, the harder it became to ignore her or to fight the passion in his bones. He didn't understand the feeling and what was even worse, he didn't know how to control it.


Turning sharply to the side, his mother stared back at him, brow raised.

“What?” He mumbled.

“Ira wanted to know if you would like some milk in your coffee?” She searched his eyes.

Heat climbing up the back of his neck and setting his face on fire, Julius turned from his mother to the floors, shaking his head. “I need some air.” He rose to his feet before his mother could stop him.

Once outside, Julius allowed his gaze travel the vast property while simultaneously fighting to keep his pounding heart under control.

Perhaps it was only proper to fire Ira? He shook his head, knowing his mother would never agree to it. Ira had after all only worked for three days and with no cause to fire her, his mother would fight his decision. But for how long would he be able to resist the burning passion in his bones that swore to drive him insane. Why did his body seem to have a mind of its own, ridding him of his will and common sense?

Trembling fingers ran through his hair as he released a breath. He sought to understand this, this feeling of desire in him, this feeling he could hardly control. He must have experienced it in the past, why couldn't he remember? What was he supposed to do with it? Was he to get rid of the object of his lust or have his way with her?

“Julius?” His mother's voice pulled him back to the present. When he turned to the side, she was standing beside him, her hand resting on his arm. “Are you unwell? ” A frown creased her aging features.

Shaking his head, “I simply need some solitude.”

She watched him, eyes searching his intently. Afraid she'd see the truth if she looked hard enough, he turned to the road leading to the building from the gates.

“I wish to discuss your marriage plans.”She continued after a short while of silence.

Interest piqued, Julius turned sharply to her. “You have found a woman? ” When she shook her head to his question, his hope dwindled.

“But I have made progress and Lord Cajetan has invited you to a ball. Perhaps it shall afford you the opportunity to meet with his lovely young daughter and many more spinsters?”

“I cannot appear in public, Mother, surely you know this. Surely every woman knows this, which is why I have been unable to find a wife.” Sighing softly, he tried not to give in to frustration. He knew very well he could never be married, unwilling to plague a woman with the reality of his burns. He also had no desire for marriage and could have easily resigned to his fate but for Ira. She succeeded in reawakening his senses and desires and now he couldn't find a wife! What was he to do with himself then? And Ira, by the devil, perhaps the little wench sought to seduce him? It made sense anyway, her presence and the sweet scent of her skin drifting into his nostrils when she walked by him must be a sign.

Perhaps he could get her to agree to marrying him? His skin broke out in sweat at the mere thought of it. Surely she would be privileged to marry an Earl, scarred or not! His lips curved into a smile.

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