Chapter Twelve

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Darkness gave way to light as his eyelids pulled apart. A low groan emanated from his throat, his head throbbing.

“What-” He tried to move but was held back by the gentle hand that tugged on his arm.

“Do not rise, my lord.” Even in the midst of his pain, his lips curled into a smile at the sound of her voice. He turned to the side, his blurry vision catching a glimpse of her.

“Perhaps if you would kiss me, I'd feel better?” He winked and her face immediately caught fire. Why did she appear embarrassed? Did his forwardness make her feel uncomfortable? Julius didn't know what it was about Ira but he knew he wanted her.

He reached out to stroke her arm when the sound of someone clearing her throat caught his attention. Hand pausing in mid air, he slowly turned to the side, a sigh escaping his lips as his eyes came to settle on his mother. She was seated on the bed to his right hand side, the little boy in her arms.

“Mother.” He managed to speak past his mounting embarrassment.

“Ira, do excuse us.” His mother nodded to Ira who scurried from his side and over to her, before taking the boy from her arms and leaving the room. A frown settled on his face as he watched her leave, a feeling of emptiness settling in him. “You are not bedding the maid, are you?”

He pulled his attention from the closed door Ira had only a second ago exited, before turning to his mother who had a frown on her face.

Shaking his head, “No.”

“Good, and it shall stay that way!” She snapped. “Do not suppose you can ruin her, Julius, she's married...”

The words spoken by his mother caused the blood to drain out of his face. Married?! His hands trembled. Clutching the white sheets beneath him, he tried not to show how much her words affected him. They nearly drove him to the verge of madness!

“Do not suppose you can take advantage of her, I know you quite well Julius, you have a knack for trying to get what you know quite well you cannot, especially married women.”

“What?!” He turned to her, her brown eyes doing nothing to hide her anger.

“Like your brother's wife! You tried to get married to her once.”

Julius sat up then, his head spinning. Still, he fought the urge to faint again. Wasn't that why he was here, confined to a bed? One moment he was standing and watching Ira retreat from him, the next, he was being burned alive.

“I was in love once?”

“I am uncertain,”

“Please, Mother, please tell me, I need to know.”

She frowned. “Why?”

Julius didn't want to speak of his nightmares for fear it would frighten her and perhaps even make her worried to know what it was he suffered when he fell asleep. But as he looked into his mother's eyes, he knew she might not be forthcoming with the information he needed if he didn't tell her.

“I'm starting to remember...”

She gasped softly and leaned forward. “You are?”

Nodding slowly, he held her gaze. “There was a woman, I am uncertain of who she is or what she looks like, but she has brown eyes.” His mother's eyes widened, and she leaned back once more.

“I have brown eyes.” She murmured.

Threading carefully, Julius took her hand in his. “And Daniel, does this wife of his have brown eyes?”

She hesitated. He saw it plainly in her eyes the answer to his question. Yet, her features spoke of dread as she clamped her lips shut.

Julius wanted to scream, to curse at his mother for hiding the truth from him. If he loved a woman, then it certainly was the wife of his brother. Why would his brother marry a woman he knew Julius was interested in? Was that the reason for Daniel's refusal to have a relationship with him, because he stole the love of Julius' life?! And why did his mother appear so dreadfully pale? What was she trying to hide? She spoke of his wanting to get married to this woman, surely he must have loved her if he went as far as wanting to be married to her.

But that was the past, his brother was already married to the love of his life and Ira, the woman he thought he could love, was already married to somebody else. He didn't have a choice, it was Lady Elliot or no one else.

Still, he needed to see this one who was married to his brother. He needed to know the truth behind his nightmares. He needed to know if he still loved her and so much more than that, he needed to know if she loved him. Perhaps then he would remember.

There was however only one way to meet her and that way was through Lady Elliot. He would announce his impending marriage to Lady Elliot and would send out an invitation to his brother, and his wife.


Corrine tried to appear happy, but she wasn't for she was rapidly running out of time. The news of her engagement to Lord Talbot had traveled far and she knew if she didn't succeed in her plans today, she would never get another opportunity to succeed in it.

Straightening her shoulders, she pushed her ample bossom forward and sat staring at the housekeeper's retreating back. A few seconds and the housekeeper's retreating footsteps faded.

Springing to her feet, she pulled out the piece of paper and ink from her purse, scribbled a short note and snuck out of the parlor.

Her eyes scanned the halls for a few seconds, anxiety climbing swiftly up her back. Was she absolutely certain she wanted to do this? No, she couldn't let doubt and fear take control of her. It was what was best. It was either this or being stuck with a scarred man for the rest of her life and Corrine had decided long ago, the evening when her father informed her of her pathetic state of not having a dowry, that she decided she would much rather be stuck with that scarred man's money, than she would with him.

Heaving a loud breath, she began making her way up the stairs in search of his bed chamber.

Copyright © 2018 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.

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