Chapter Twenty One

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"I'm glad you chose to come with me. "

When Ira turned around, she forced a smile to her lips. "Of course, my lady, it is I who must thank you for not turning your back on me."

Lady Talbot frowned. "Forgive me, Ira, but you seem anything but pleased to be journeying to England. Do you regret you decision? Do you desire to return to Italy and perhaps your husband? "

Ira wrapped her arms around herself as the cold breeze caused a shiver to spread through her body. She was happy, Lady Talbot was once again her salvation and she was thankful for her. Yet, a gnawing sadness seemed to rip at her heart no matter how much she desired to ward the feeling of loss, off. The further the ship went from Italy, the wider the void in her heart grew until it became impossible to ignore, making itself evident in her gloomy mood.

"I do not know what to expect in England, I have never visited." She hoped to blame her mood on anxiety, even if she knew it had everything to do with being separated from Julius.

"It is wonderful and shall bring good fortune your way." Lady Talbot smiled, eyes searching Ira's for a few seconds.

Hiding her true emotions behind her smile, "Very well, my lady, I hope it does."

Lady Talbot didn't question her further but as the journey progressed, Ira caught her watching her from a distance. Knowing she couldn't give her true feelings the chance to show for fear Lady Talbot would be displeased by them, she focused her attention on Rey who was now learning to walk. He used the ship's railings as support for his wobbly feet and while Ira was excited he was beginning to make progress, she was afraid he'd fall overboard. Taking him off of her mother's sleeping potion also proved to be the boost he needed for he seemed more energized and playful than he was a few months ago.

Two weeks of journeying and Ira nearly screamed in excitement at the sight of land. Lady Talbot giggled at her reaction before informing her they were in London.

It took several more hours before the coach was pulling to a halt before a massive building. Clamping her lips shut, Ira tightened her hold on Rey who slept peacefully in her arms as her eyes scanned the mansion before her, its architecture unlike anything she had ever seen.

"My lady! " An aging woman hurried down the stairs and pulled Lady Talbot into her embrace.

"Bertha," Lady Talbot giggled, patting her back lightly.

"So many months, my lady, surely you overstayed your welcome in Italy! " Bertha pulled away, brown eyes turning to Ira. "A guest? "

"Ira will join the staff, I'd like for her to serve me directly."

"Very well," Bertha offered Ira a smile. "I shall take care of everything." She said, before turning to lead the way into the three story mansion.

Reluctantly, Ira followed silently behind knowing she would never see Julius again.


Bertha reminded Ira of Miranda and proved to be as warm and welcoming as she was. Lady Talbot was kind to her and Rey eased into his new environment nicely. Still, Ira's mood did anything but improve. She found herself strolling through the building with a dull thud in her chest and a thin, emotionless smile on her lips. She tried to be happy, she certainly tried to forget Julius, but her stubborn heart couldn't. He haunted her senses and he haunted her dreams. She laid in bed longing to be in his arms once more, and to revel in the warmth of his skin pressed to hers.

There were days she thought of Julius and their time together the night she had so willingly offered herself to him like it was the most natural thing to do. And for some reason, it did feel natural! His lips pressed to hers, his fingers perusing the length of her body, his warmth, the smell of his skin... everything seemed natural and so much more than that, it seemed familiar.

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