Chapter Eleven

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She was lovely, Julius thought, his lips brushing her white knuckles. She was lovely but she stirred nothing in him. Her skin was too white, hair too brown and curly, and her personality too boring. She sat beside her father on the dinner table, barely even glancing up.

Julius knew he cared nothing for her and his feeling of indifference was heightened the second she fainted at the sight of him and stormed out of his home once she was awakened. Perhaps she would decide not to marry him? He hoped she would. Something in him didn't like or desire her.

Frowning, he settled on the chair behind his desk in his study. He wasn't drawn to her like he was drawn to Ira and while at first he thought his attraction to Ira was as a result of his seclusion, Lady Elliot's presence helped to confirm to him that it wasn't.

Sighing softly, he leaned his elbow on his desk and tried to ease the headache that was rapidly coming on, by rubbing his forehead. He barely slept the night before, images of the fire haunting his dreams. He tried to ignore them in the past, but they only seemed to be getting worse as the days progressed. He relived the horrid experience every single night, the image becoming more vivid. But it wasn't the fire that bothered him so much, it was the woman, a woman...

He could never see her face, but he saw her brown eyes...

Rubbing his forehead in a failed attempt to remember, Julius dreaded falling asleep. Perhaps there was a woman in his past? Perhaps he had been in love once? He groaned, leaning back against his seat. Whoever she was, he couldn't forget her and if she was somehow connected to his nightmares, he needed to find her to be rid of them for he could barely stand the torture anymore.

His eyelids widened as he watched helplessly as red flames climbed up the length of his arms, consuming his skin in the process.

Jerking upright, his head throbbed, forcing a loud groan to escape his lips.

"My lord?" His eyes darted to the source of the sound as he lifted his hand to rub his forehead once more. He must have fallen asleep, he thought, glancing around the study. Sundays streaked from the window, light pouring into the room. It was daybreak already?

His body ached as he struggled to his feet. His stomach churned with nausea and he was nearly certain he hadn't gotten a single sleep the night before... No, he was certain he hadn't slept for many days since his nightmares began.

He reached the door and unlocked it. Pulling it wide open, Ira's beautiful face appeared, causing a smile to settle on his face.

"Are you alright, my lord?" She frowned slightly and placed a hand against the side of his face, where his scars laid. She most certainly forgot where she was or who he was, for she examined him like he suspected a mother would examine a child.

Julius' eyelids snapped shut, fully enjoying her perusal of his face. She touched him like he was a human being, and not a monster and the feeling was strange to him. The action must have lasted but a second, but it felt like an eternity. When she withdrew her hand, his eyes snapped open.

She stood wide eyed before him as if coming out of a trance.

"Ira." He wanted nothing but to pull her against himself, but she was shaking her head and stepping back.

"Lady Elliot,"She squeaked, eyes falling to the floor. "She awaits you in the drawing room. "

His frown deepened and the command to dismiss Lady Elliot was on the tip of his lips. He didn't want Lady Elliot's company, he wanted Ira's.

Once again, she lifted her gaze to him and caught his eyes. He desperately wanted Ira, he decided, stepping forward.

She took a step back, "I shall inform Lady Elliot you shall be joining her shortly, my lord." Her voice was stale and expressionless, having no resemblance with the woman who only a few minutes ago, caressed his face with her hand.

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