Chapter Five

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I laid in my bed that night thinking about what Raylynn and Georgia said. What if Josh tries to kiss me? I shuddered. I'm so not gonna let that happen. Then I thought about Noah and his deep crystal blue eyes and tan skin, the way he made my stomach do somersaults. Yeah. I definitely liked him. Then my thoughts wandered to Leo for the first time in days. I wander if he gave up on me. Hopefully he road of to Magical Crazy Dude Land or wherever he's from. Even as I thought that, though, I knew it wasn't entirely true. I still kind of wanted to be a nature spirit or whatever he had said I was.

It was Saturday. Exactly one week until the game night. I was bored. It was cloudy out. The metallic smell of rain told me of the day's later precipitation. I sighed as I stood on the porch. Mom and Dad had to go to their office earlier that morning, leaving me alone to my own devices. I was thinking about going back inside to go back to sleep when my phone vibrated. I jumped. Come over? Josh is getting Georgia and Ray to come too. Don't leave me alone with them! I smiled down at Noah's text. He never wanted to be alone with Josh and the girls. He claimed that they began to play Truth or Dare without me there to stop them. I detested that game. I texted back that I'd be there in ten, then went inside to get dressed. Just as I was opening the door, I felt that creepy tingly feeling I get when I'm being watched. I looked around, shivering, seeing nothing, and when I felt like it was all clear, let myself inside. I threw on some jeans and my gray tank top. After putting my hair up in a ponytail and doing the minimum amount of makeup possible that still made me look okay (mascara and a dash of cover-up here and there), I pulled on my sweat shirt. Grabbing my phone, I walked out the cabin. I followed the twisting path to the clearing where the Hall laid. On the edge of the clearing, slightly nestled back into the trees, the girls' cabins stood. I followed a path to my right that led away into the trees where the boys' cabins were. The wind slapped my hair against my face in the most annoying way. Finally, frustration built to the peak, I raised my voice to the wind, "Just stop already!" To my surprise the wind died down. "Thank you." The path turned up ahead and I found myself stumbling into another smaller clearing with cabins once again dotting the perimeter. Noah's and Josh's cabin was the first on the left that was edged slightly more into the trees than the others. The feel of eyes on my back came again. I hurried up the steps onto the porch and let myself into their litchen room, modeled just like the girls'. "Hey," I awkwardly waved by the door. Josh, Raylynn, Georgia, and Noah were sitting in a circle. I could only assume they were already playing Truth or Dare by the way Ray's mouth froze in the middle of her sentence and her doe-eyes grew even bigger. "Finally! My savior!"Noah jumped up. "I'm done playing. Cor's here." Georgia and Ray shared a sigh. "Okay," Georgia said disappointed her favorite game had been ended. I shrugged. "Sorry." "Don't apologize," Josh said as he spread himself on the couch. "Those two were getting graphic." I looked at Georgia and Ray. "What where y'all saying?" "Josh thought we couldn't be perverted," Raylynn said simply. "I think we proved him wrong." "Uh, okay?" "So what do y'all wanna do now?" Noah asked pulling me along behind him to sit on the floor and lean against the couch like we always do. "I don't know. Movie?" Ray suggested. Halfway through the first Lord of the Rings, I had to get up and go to the restroom. For two boys' bathroom, Josh and Noah kept it pretty clean. I actually didn't feel like I was going to puke or have my immune system at war with the universe. It was strange, but I didn't question it. I was just thankful. As I washed my hands, I heard something outside the window. I got on my tiptoes and peered out at the forest. A quick movement caught my eye, but it was gone before I could comprehend what it was. Weird. I walked from the bathroom and back into the litchen. I guess my face must've paled because when I came back in Noah asked, "What's wrong? I know our bathroom isn't that much of a mess." Everyone looked expectantly at me. Josh even paused the D.V.D. just to stare at me. I shook my head. "No. It's fine." I sat back down next to Noah. Once they started the movie again and I was sure no one was watching me, I looked up at his face. I wanted so badly to fold myself in his arms and have him comfort me. I knew he would without a second thought, but to him, it'd only feel like friends. For me, it'd feel so much more. I couldn't put myself through that misery. My eyes grazed the face I knew so well. Finally, I forced my gaze back to the screen. I took in the pictures and heard the words, but it's not like I was really paying attention. My mind was wondering. Why am I being followed? It's kinda creepy. So creepy. "What's creepy?" Josh asked. I started. "I said that out loud?" Raylynn peered over at me. "Uh, yeah. You were mumbling. Are you okay?" I shook my head attempting to clear away the fog. "Yeah. Totally." "Stop lying," Georgia said. "No matter how creepy your new white eyes are, the black part gets bigger whenever you lie. Come on, fess up." I slouched down. "It's just–" I stopped. "It's nothing." "Please just tell us," Josh said. Looking down at my lap, I mumbled, "Someone was following me. I felt them watching me earlier at my house, then on the way here. And when I was washing my hands, I heard something outside, but it ran away before I could tell what it was." Noah jumped up. "Hey, Josh, Georgia, how does tracking sound to you?" Josh got to his feet. "What do you think I should morph into?" "Whatever you think's most helpful." Georgia got up now too. "I'm ready whenever you are." "No! Don't go. Guys, this is so stupid." I tugged on Noah's arm. "Sit back down." Georgia grew closer to the door. "It's probably nothing. Georgia, come on. Don't do this. Josh?" "What are you so scared of?" Noah asked. "You're waisting your time." You'll never find him. "Cor–" "Please just sit back down," I pleaded. "Maybe I just imagined it all." "You're sure?" Josh asked. He looked unconvinced. A smile was forced to my face. "Positive." Noah's face finally softened. "Fine. But one of us is gonna be walking you home later. Okay?" "Okay." "Ohhh. Mr. Protective." Josh and Noah looked at Raylynn quizzically not understanding her tone. Georgia stifled a laugh. I glared and mouthed, "I hate you." Ray only smiled and said, "Scowling doesn't suit you, Cora." A blush spread up my cheeks. My anger had to make room for my humiliation. I felt like my head was about to explode. "Thanks, Ray. Thanks a lot." Everyone settled back down into their seats. Josh had forgotten to pause the movie in our sudden activity, so we had to rewind a bit. Noah got up and made us some popcorn. When he settled back next to me, he whispered the thing I did not want him to ask. "So what was that about, what Raylynn said?" "It's nothing." "Oh, your face begged a differ." His warm breathe tickled my cheek. He had scooted closer to whisper to me and tingles shot through my limbs. I couldn't help my smile. I pat his shoulder. "Nothing to concern yourself with." He shifted away. "Fine. Don't tell me." I had to restrain myself from saying I'd tell just to feel the heat of his body radiate on me. Pathetic, I grumbled to myself. You're so pathetic. We arrived back at my cabin around ten that night. The feeling of being watched hadn't left me for even a second throughout the whole journey. Of course I didn't tell Noah that, though. I didn't need him freaking out over nothing, like I was. A light mist melted into our skin. We had to watch our step for puddles on the way home. In all my life, I had never known this part of Texas to receive so much moisture. It rained all the time now. It was kind of crazy, so I pointed it out with a lack of better things to do. "Have you noticed how much rain we've been getting?" "Yeah." Noah smiled down at me. "It's not like I'm complaining, though. We've needed it." I grinned back. "You mean you're not complaining yet?" "Oh no." Noah knew the look on my face. "No. No. No. What are you gonna do? Cor, this is me warning you now–" but before he could finish I had a ball of mud in my hand. In one swift motion, mud was smeared across Noah's shirt. I laughed. "You are so dead, Cor. So dead." I giggled as I shot behind a tree. "You have to catch me first." I knew he could catch me, and maybe that's why I did it. I knew he'd get me. Noah dashed after me as I weaved in and out of the trees. When I glanced behind me and didn't see him I assumed it was safe to slow to catch my breath. Boy, was I wrong. He tackled me. I screamed. Noah and I laid in a pile of mud in the middle of the path. I forced my mind not to pay any attention to the burning sensation of being watched. We were both laughing. I pushed myself up on my elbow to face him. "Hi," he whispered. "Hello," I said in my mock British accent, winning a chuckle from him. "I feel so exposed." "Why?" "It's too… open?" He laughed. "Okay?" The trees around us seemed to be closing in, entwining themselves, forming a barrier between us and the outside world. Noah's face then got serious. "Cor?" "Yeah?" "What was that?" "What was what?" I asked clueless. "Never mind." His hand rubbed some mud on my cheek. Somehow, our faces got closer, our foreheads touching. My heart pounded in my chest so hard I was certain that he'd feel it. My hands shook. Dang nerves. Noah moved me closer. I wanted to tell him just to kiss me already. Still, I knew he must be as nervous as I was. So much would be at risk if we followed through with this, but I tried not to think about that. Slowly, with caution, I got closer. We were only a breathe away. Please, oh please, oh please! Then, a twig snapped. Noah and I both jerked apart. I scanned the trees, like I was sure he was doing as well. Thanks a lot, my dear stalker. Thanks. A tree to my left shook. I jumped to my feet. "What is it?" "I-i just heard something," I stuttered. I pointed, "That way." "Should I?" he gestured in the direction of the sound. He had sweat on his brow and looked so cute in the moon light. "Are you sure? It could've just been an animal." "I'm hungry." I crinkled my nose at that. He chuckled, and stepped back towards me. "How 'bout this: I finish walking you home. You shower. I track down whatever that was. And then I'll meet up with you tomorrow so we can talk. Okay?" "Okay."

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