Chapter Eighteen

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The air around me swirled, a vibrant array of feeling and earth. My inner eyes focused on what I wanted to accomplish. A cool and seemingly weightless feeling took control over my body. I felt myself flickering in and out, almost to the point of fading. I let out a grunt of frustration, my body slowly becoming visible again.

"Leo," I whined. This was getting embarrassing. If I couldn't do something as easy as turning invisible, then I wouldn't ever be able to do anything big at all.

Leo shook his head at me, and Ciris demanded in response, "Again."

I closed my eyes again, reaching deep down inside of me for the source of my power. I took deep breaths to calm my nerves like Leo had time and time again. The power that surged inside of me was barely pumping. With all the force I could put forth, I willed myself to take on the properties of wind- invisible, light, and free.

My eyes snapped open. "I can't do this!"

Ciris let out a yell of aggravation, sounding like an angry lion. He trust his hand in my direction. I belly flopped to the ground trying to avoid his blow, only to land harshly on a sharp stone. A cobra of a vine lashed out from the ground. Soil dispersed into the air, flecks landing on my face and neck. It wound its leathery skin, squeezing tight on my midsection. I squirmed against the plant's wicked hold before relinquishing to stare into my third parent's eyes.

"Let me g-" My words were cut short as the air was yanked from my lungs by the man standing before me.

"Why weren't you ready?" he all but shouted.

My mouth gaped like a fish, floundering for air.

"Why weren't you ready for that attack?" he roared again. He knelt with his face only inches from mine.

Leo grabbed him from the back of the shirt and pulled him off the ground with such force I never thought anyone able to possess. He dropped Ciris back on his feet, eyes hard and lips set into a thin line.

"Ciris, give her back her air." He said the words so slow, so evenly, that it'd have been impossible to miss a beat.

Black spots swam before my eyes. I could hardly keep myself conscious. The darkness was closing in. It was all I could do just to keep my eyes open. Leo cast me a worried glance. His eyes seemed to glisten in the sun. So genuine and hurting. Hurting because I was hurting.

"She needs to learn to protect herself."

Leo growled, the atmosphere charged with electrical anger. I looked on in horror as he raised his right hand in Ciris's direction. "Ciris."

Feeling like a punch in the throat, every once of oxygen I'd lost rushed back into my body. I coughed and sputtered. My eyes brimmed with tears that had built up. My chest ached with an unforgiving pain. I hacked and my body contorted over in pain. The knife in my stomach twisted, the web of pain splintering down into my legs.

Ciris gave a bitter laugh. "I assume play time is over?"

"Just get out of here!" Leo hissed.

He chuckled again before turning his back and disappearing into the brush, a whistle toon lingering in his wake.

When he was gone, Leo dropped to his knees next to me. The air calmed, seeming to breath. His arms twisted around me and pulled me tight to his chest. His breath fell lightly against my hair making it sway in the early morning light. We sat in silence for a few moments before he spoke again.

"Cora, you okay?"

Subconsciously, I rubbed at my sore chest where the pain was still very much present. "As okay as I'd expect to be."

Fire Scarred *Un-Edited Version*Where stories live. Discover now