(9) promise remembered, promise broken.

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The first thing I realised when I woke was: I had two dreams instead of one.

The normal dream where I would explain things to her and she would just smile, saying nothing and then disappear.
But the second one was so real.

She came to her window and we talked.

She told me how much she wanted me too and how she wanted to know the real me behind the walls I'd built around myself.

I walked out of my gate, about to head on to school when Mr Williams SUV stopped in front of me.

I leant closer, smiling.

"Good morning sir," I muttered and he smiled warmly, a glint of pride and pity in his eyes.

"Hi there pal, come on in, I'll give you a ride to school." He offered and I smiled, waving.

"Uhh, no need Sir, I'll just walk."

He looked down for a moment before staring up at me.

"Sure, make me feel more guilty and walk to school while I drive there will you?" He muttered and I chuckled finally giving in.

"I'll ride with you..." I said and opened the door just to freeze afterwards.

She turned to look at me and I felt my heart restrict harshly.

Without a word to her, I hopped in beside her and Mr Williams zoomed off.

Things were not going normally.
First I had two dreams in a night and now I was in the same car with someone whose mere scent sends me overboard.

Great. Just great.

I clenched my jaw, fisting my hands on my laps and trying to remain emotionless around her.

She'd said she wasn't mine, even after I'd told her she was.

She made me so mad all the time!

I wanted her! Why didn't she get that?  I was willing to let go a bit of my grudge... Just for her.

I didn't notice the wounds on my knuckles reopening till I suddenly felt warm, white, fragile hands on mine.

I froze, turning slowly to look at her, while she gazed worriedly at my knuckles before placing both our hands on her laps, slowly blowing at the open wounds.

And finally... It all came back to me..  The memories I'd forgotten.



Tears dropped continuously from my already puffy and red eyes as the five year old me continued to punch the hard wall in front of me, unable to stop or rest, until ordered to.

My wounds from three days earlier reopened again, making my punishment even harder and more painful.

Where is my daddy?
Why did he leave me here with her?

Was the only question that rang in my head as I continued to cry, continued to punch, my blood splattering across the wall, mentally begging her to release me.

"Are you sorry for asking for a second serving?" Her high pitched American accent laced voice said behind me and I didn't wait twice before answering.

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry... It won't happen again." I muttered and she sighed.

"Get out of my sight monkey." She said and without a second thought, rushed outside, running anywhere... Just running and crying, receiving weird looks from other whites as I ran past them.

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