♡ Dancing in the Kitchen ♡

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Y/n smiled to herself as she slid across Hank's kitchen floor in her socks. She'd done this multiple times at her old house when her parents weren't home. She'd dance the night away in her white ankle socks as she listened to her favorite songs on repeat. The memories made Y/n sigh to herself and stop sliding on the floor. Those were some fun times she had in her house, despite it usually being a place of high tension and dread. It made her wonder why things had to be the way they were before she escaped to the streets. She shook the thoughts off, knowing the darkness they brought and tried to force a smile onto her face to cheer herself up. Y/n's eyes flickered to the kitchen floor.

"I suppose.. It wouldn't hurt.. To do it again. Just this once, though!" She thought to herself with a tender smile on her face. Without a second thought, Y/n began to hum the tune of her favorite song as she slid across the kitchen floor in the most elegant way she could muster. All of her previous sad thoughts were drowned away as she imitated a professional ice skater, sliding this way and that with much elegance.

What Y/n had failed to realize was that as Hank was passed out on the couch, Connor was still here to take care of Hank. Connor and Y/n had grown pretty close as he came home with Hank after their detective shifts. Connor and Hank were partners who worked on homicides together. They used to have some deviant case that they worked on together, but that was canceled due to androids recently being accepted into society. As a deviant, Connor had only two jobs for himself now which were solving homicide cases and taking care of Hank. Though, taking care of Hank was off the list as of now since Hank was passed out in the couch, and there were no cases to take care of as of the moment. With that in mind, Connor had decided to see what Y/n was up to.

Just as Connor was about to make his presence known, he froze in the kitchen doorway. His brown eyes watched Y/n as she danced around the kitchen and hummed the tune to familiar a song with a smile on her face. Connor felt heat rise to his cheeks as he watched his friend move fluidly across the kitchen. He was still fairly new to this whole.. Feelings thing, but google had explained this particular feeling to him. Yes, Connor had to look it up. He knew from google's information that he had what humans referred to as a 'crush' on his friend Y/n. He liked everything about her. From her soft, h/l, h/c hair to her warm and cheery personality. Knowing Connor had a crush on Y/n, seeing her so happy doing something so simple made butterflies erupt in his 'stomach'.

He shook his head, shooing away his thoughts about her. After all, at this point he was just staring at her which was fairly creepy. Connor mentally prepared himself as he did an 'ahem' to make his presence finally known. Y/n heard this and immediately stopped dancing.

"Good afternoon, Y/n." Connor said to Y/n as he took a step into the kitchen with a genuine smile.

"Er.. Hi, Conner." Y/n responded to the android who was standing in front of her. Heat rose to her cheeks in embarrassment as she put a hand to her forehead with a nervous laugh.

"Ah geez, I forgot you were here. You're so quiet, ya know?" Y/n tells Connor, to which he tilts his head at.

"Is that so? Well, I'm sorry to interrupt you but Hank is asleep. I just got a little bored is all." Connor explains as Y/n lets out a sigh.

"Y-Yeah, that's Hank for ya.." Y/n murmured as she shyly looked at the kitchen floor.

Y/n would be lying if she said she hadn't managed to catch some feelings for Connor. Knowing that he'd just seen her doing something so.. I dunno.. Important to her made her a bit flustered.

"If I may ask, what was it that you were doing before I interjected?" Connor asks with a small tilt of his head.

"Dancing. I-I dunno, I was just bored." Y/n muttered.

"Dancing? Well, you're quite good at it." Connor compliments. Y/n watches as Connor rubbed the back of his neck as cheeks flushed a light blue color. Y/n smiles at this, and with a warm expression she makes her way over to Connor.

"Do you... Know how to dance?" She asks, raising an eyebrow with a curious smile at the android. Connor looked away from her at this and nervously fiddles his fingers.

"Uh, no. Not really." He admitted, looking down at the floor as he did so.

"Well then, that gives me an idea! C'mon." Y/n says, grabbing ahold of one of Connor's hands and dragging him to the middle of the kitchen.


"I'm going to teach you how." Y/n states as she lets go of Connor's hand and puts her hands on her hips proudly.

Before Connor could introject, Y/n takes her phone out and plays a slow song before setting it on the counter. She comes back over to Connor and takes his hands in hers.

"You put your hands here." Y/n says, putting Connor's hands around her hips. Connor felt his metaphorical heart skip a beat as Y/n looked back up at him with that cute, passionate smile she had.

"Got that?" Y/n asks, and Connor nods.

"Alright, now, I put my arms around here." She tells him as she wraps her arms around the back of his neck.

"Now, we just sway back and forth, like this." Y/n explains, swaying a bit. Connor naturally begins to sway with her as the music plays through Y/n's phone that's set on the counter.

Connor felt the heat in his cheeks kick up a notch as he realized how close he was to Y/n. He couldn't quite explain how he was feeling right now other than utter bliss as Y/n hummed along to the song playing on her phone.

"See? Now you know how to dance!" She cheered, looking at Connor with a cheery smile that made his stomach flip.

"I-I see.. Thank you Y/n." Connor mutters, looking away from her. Y/n backs out of the dance and lets go of Connor, to which he does the same as well.

"Isn't dancing fun?" Y/n asks as she looks away from Connor and turns her phone off.

"I- Uh- Yes, I agree Y/n." Connor replies as he still attempts to settle down his system.

Y/n watches as Connor avoids her gaze and stares at the ground with a blue hue on his cheeks. She smiles at this and walks back up close to him and takes his hands in hers, making him quickly look back at her in surprise.

"W-We should do that more often. Your quite the good dancing partner, actually." She tells Connor with a blush covering her own cheeks.



It's a lil bit short, but it's the first chapter! Would you like to see a part two? If so, let me know!

Have any requests? Send them my way! Just keep in mind the 'rules' from the introduction page!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!


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