♡❀ Surprise visit ❀♡

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 You lay down on your hotel bed and let out a sigh. You took a vacation to Wisconsin and you've been there for about a few weeks now. You try to close your eyes in attempt to fall asleep because it was around one in the morning now and you had more activities to do tomorrow. You let out a frustrated grunt when you find yourself feeling rather restless, and you sit up in your bed. You can't help but miss your friends Hank and Connor who were back at home waiting for you to come back. You did police work with the two males almost every day, so it was rather hard for you to get used to not seeing the two. Especially Connor, the two of you hung out nearly everyday and now that you haven't seen the deviant android for a large amount of time, you were really starting to miss his company. You stretch over to your nightstand and grab ahold of your phone. You turn it on and let out a giggle when you see your home screen, it's you and Connor in front of the DPD making silly faces.
"God I miss you, Connor." You think out loud to yourself, and you blush at the thought of your android friend. You put your phone back down on the nightstand. Before continuing to think about Connor.

You could say that you've managed to catch some feelings for Connor in the time you spent with him. I mean, who wouldn't fall head over heels for someone like Connor? He had the prettiest chocolaty brown eyes that you could stare into all day, and the way he did his hair all the time with that one strand of hair falling out in front of his face? Just thinking about it made you slam your face into a pillow and make girly squealing noises. Connor was literally perfect, and not just with his looks. He was the sweetest person to ever walk this earth, and not to mention his innocence that always made your heart thud in your chest. Connor also had a strange sense of humor that you loved. It was always just so shocking and hilarious when he made any sarcastic comments, it just always made you laugh. Speaking of laughs, Connor's? God you wished you could just listen to it all day in the same way that you wanted to just hear the android's smooth voice when he talked to you on repeat.

With a sigh, you tear your thoughts away from your crush on Connor. Just thinking about him could keep you up all night, and you knew that. So instead, you watched TV for a good while. It was a romance movie, which made you want to curl up in a ball and die when you thought about it. Watching this wasn't going to tear your thoughts away from Connor, nor would anything else. With a groan you give into your thoughts about Connor. You start daydreaming about possible scenarios with the android, and you'd been doing it for awhile until all of the sudden your phone is ringing. This confuses you, because you weren't sure who'd be calling at this time of night. When you pickup your phone and see the caller ID, butterflies swirl in your stomach as you press the answer button.
"H-Hello?" You say with a blush spreading across your face.
"Y/n. I-I'm sorry to call you so late at night but I have quite the... Dilemma." Connor mutters. He sounded distressed, so you pushed your crush on him aside for a moment so you could take this seriously.

"Are you okay? You sound stressed." You asked, and Connor sighed on the other side of the phone.
"Yes, but no. I-I just really wanted to talk to you because I-" Connor cut himself off before letting out a dry chuckle.
"Your presence being absent for this long is really... Getting to me." The android admits with an embarrassed tone to his voice.

Your blush from before returns at full force, and it practically turns your face into a cherry. Your face felt so hot that you could probably fry some eggs on it.
"O-Oh, really? I was just thinking about that to, actually. I love Wisconsin, but it's getting a bit lonely." You respond with a slightly shaky voice.
"I cannot bear this any longer, I'm coming there. Let me fly to your hotel, tonight. It'll only take a couple of hours, and I'm about to leave." Connor sputtered out, and you blinked in surprise at this.
"Connor you don't have to-"
"No, I do have to." Connor says, cutting you off.
"I-I.. I don't know why it's so difficult for me to just admit the truth. Y/n, I just.. I.. I miss you. Like, a lot." The android's words fill your ears and your pretty sure you look like a steaming kettle at this point.
"I just can't really seem to.. Distract myself from thoughts of you. So I decided I must come. I can't just sit here, I want to- no, I need to see you." Connor says with a stressed tone.
"I- Uh- Er- I mean, a-are you sure you don't want to wait until tomorrow morni-"
"NO I CAN'T-," Connor cuts himself off there and sucks in an breath of air.

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