Pina Colada

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The next day Cheryl was at work trying to get through her day. luckily she had only an hour left of dealing with the snobby customers who came to eat at the restaurant and treated Cheryl like she was beneath them.
There was only one thing that made her get through the day and that was Toni.
The thought of being able to go see her after she got off. Cheryl didn't know why but there was something about Toni that pulled Cheryl in. Cheryl had dated other girls before and had a tons of crushes but none like this one. All Cheryl wanted to do was spend time with Toni. Being around Toni was all she wanted to do, even if it was just her sitting at the bar while Toni was working. She didn't even need to be talking to her just being in the same room as Toni was enough.

at 10pm Cheryl got off work and headed towards the bar. She was kinda nervous since the bar was having a karaoke night and she knew Veronica would try to make her sing. Cheryl wasn't comfortable singing in front of strangers, she was fine infront of people she knew. Hopefully Veronica would be too busy to try to make her sing.  Once Cheryl entered the bar she saw the bar full of people. first thing she noticed was Toni, sitting at the bar with Fangs, they were both drinking. Looks like Toni wasn't working.
Veronica was behind the bar serving customers. Sweet pea was speaking to the microphone announcing the next singer. "Next up we have Josie singing Champagne Supernova " Sweet Pea said as a girl made her way to the stage.
Cheryl walked Towards the pink haired girl at the bar. Toni noticed Cheryl and got up to give her a hug "Cheryl! you made it!" Toni said excited to see the redhead. "I said I would come by didn't I" Cheryl said with a smile.
"you're not working tonight?"
"no. Fangs and I need to be drunk for karaoke nights" Toni said with a laugh, "you'll find out why eventually"
"hey Ronnie can I get a drink" Cheryl asked her friend
"of course! what do you want?"
"uhmmm.. I'll just have an angry orchard" Cheryl replied.
The girl on the stage had finished her song and sweet got back on the microphone "alrighty! give it up for Josie, looks like we don't have anyone lined up so Ronnie get Toni and Fangs two shots of tequila each because it looks like it's their turn"
Veronica got the shots ready for the duo who just shook their heads. Toni and fangs took their shots and screamed at each other as loud as they could. "what's going on?" Veronica and Cheryl said in unison "it's our tradition, Pea has been making us do this for years, oh and it's about to be embarrassing in here" Toni said as she and Fangs walked towards the "stage" it was really just a spot in the corner of the bar that had been cleared. "oh my god" Cheryl laughed when the song started playing. Toni and fangs started singing and dancing like fools

"I was tired of my lady, we'd been together too long
Like a worn-out recording, of a favorite song
So while she lay there sleeping, I read the paper in bed
And in the personals column, there was this letter I read"

They were spinning around dancing when the chorus started and the both stood still and sang out their hearts out

"If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain
If you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain"

Toni looked straight into Cheryl's eyes and winked as she sang

"If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape
I'm the love that you've looked for, write to me, and escape"

Toni and Fangs were spinning each other around while singing for the rest of the song. when the song ended Toni and fangs took a bow and laughed saying "thank you sweets for making us do this again" to the microphone.
Cheryl was laughing with Veronica when Toni and Fangs returned from the stage "now I know why you guys needed to get drunk tonight" Veronica said laughing "makes sense doesn't it" Fangs said laughing.
"so what did you think" Toni asked Cheryl who was laughing at the performance the two serpents had put on "well I think it's safe to say that i've never seen a better karaoke performance in my entire life" Cheryl said with a laugh "but you do have an amazing voice" Toni laughed saying "Thanks cherry, it's been an tradition of ours since we were fourteen and there was a karaoke party at the white wyrm and Pea dared us to sing"
"yeah we've tried to put a stop to it ever since but eventually we just gave up" Fangs said.

Later that night Cheryl found herself a little drunk sitting with a very drunk Toni who was currently telling Cheryl about how she had joined the serpents at the age of thirteen, and how it was the best thing that had ever happened to her. " if I hadn't joined the serpents i'm not sure where i'd be. they gave me the family I had always wanted" Toni's parents had died when she was two years old, she had been bouncing from a foster home to a foster home. Eventually she had ran away and ended up on the southside where the serpents took her in, giving her everything she needed it wasn't much but it was a family.

"I guess we're not that different, i'm sure that everyone talked about my brother Jason being killed by my father, even at southside. I was left with my mother who decided to be a prostitute instead of getting a regular job. She always hated me, she preferred Jason and wished it had been me who died. that's how I became so close with Ronnie, Betty and Jug, they became my family, well Betty is my cousin so she already was, anyways I moved in with Ronnie once i turned 18 and ever since I've been living with her."

This is crazy, Cheryl thought to herself. she had never opened up to anyone this easily, There was something about Toni, she felt like she could trust her, she felt safe around her.

Toni looked at the beautiful girl in front of her, thinking how could she be such an amazing person coming from a such a crazy family.

Cheryl and Toni sat in silence both thinking about each other, staring at each other, slowly starting to lean in when they were interrupted.
"Toni! there you are i've been looking all over for you baby"
"fuck." Toni mumbled to herself when she saw Midge walking towards her.

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