date night

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It was an hour until Toni and Cheryl's date. Toni had just finished getting ready and made her way down to the bar where Sweet pea, Fangs and Veronica where.

" you guys are gonna be okay here right? you can call me if you need me but i'm really hoping you won't"
"yeah we'll be fine it's not that busy anyways" Fangs says
"yeah don't worry about us and enjoy your date" Veronica said with a smirk
"so what you got planned for her"
Sweet Pea asked the girl who was clearly nervous
"well I was thinking about getting her flowers, and then taking her out to a restaurant and maybe take a walk in the park after eating, that's what people do on dates right" Toni said this being her first date ever  "you don't know what people do on dates?" Veronica asked with a confused look
"Tiny here has never been on a date before" Fangs teased the nervous girl
"what how?" Veronica asked with a small laugh " well I just have always hooked up with people or like casually hung out but i've never actually ended up on going out on a proper date" Toni said scratching the back oh her head
"oh well it's probably about time for you to go on an actual date" Veronica said
"yeah I guess so. I should probably head out to go get the flowers, you don't happen to know her favorite flowers Ronnie?"
"you can't go wrong with red roses"
"okay, Thanks Ronnie" Toni said starting to make her way to the door.

Cheryl was finishing her make up when she heard the knock on the door. She went to open the door to find Toni standing there with a dozen of red roses.

Toni's jaw dropped to the ground when she saw Cheryl standing on the other side of the door in a Red dress and matching red heels. " hey Toni come on in i'm almost ready."
"you look beautiful" Toni said once she could finally get some words out "here I got you these" Toni said handing the roses to cheryl. "aww you didn't need to get me flowers" Cheryl said with a smile " how did you know I love red roses"
"I have my ways" Toni said with a smirk
"you asked Ronnie didn't you"
"I might have"
"let me just get some water for these and we can get going" Cheryl said walking to the kitchen and getting a vase for the flowers

"we can walk or get a taxi if you don't wanna to ride the bike" Toni said once she and Cheryl got outside.
"we can take the bike.. just be careful" Cheryl said looking at the motorcycle. Toni got on the motorcycle and helped Cheryl to get on the bike. "here put this on." Toni said handing Cheryl her helmet. "what about you?" Cheryl said looking at Toni "don't worry about me" Toni said staring the motorcycle.
"and hold tight."
Cheryl wrapped her arms around Toni's waist. Cheryl was pressed against Toni's back and she couldn't help but to feel safe holding Toni so closely. Her mind drifted to the song Toni had played her. ever since that the song had been stuck in Cheryl's head

Damn I've got you in my bed
And you're wrapped around my head
never thought i'd really see
but you're making me believe
The limo pulls along
now i got you in my song
hear you whisper i'm the best
with your finger on my chest
i'll never be a lonely boy in a lonely world
this i know is true
I close my eyes and i'm with you
i'm loving you the whole night through

Feeling Toni so close to her wasn't helping Cheryl at all, neither was feeling the motorcycle between her legs. Cheryl was definitely going to have a hard time resisting the urge to sleep with Toni tonight.

After about 15 minutes of riding on the motorcycle Toni parked it in front of a restaurant. "Cheryl, you can let go now"
Toni said to the girl who was still holding her tight. "oh, yeah sorry." Cheryl said awkwardly, she hadn't been paying attention to anything really. She was loving the feeling of Toni so close to her and didn't even realize Toni had parked and turned the engine off.

"this is where we're eating?" Cheryl asked excitedly when she saw the restaurant they were in front of.
"yup" Toni said with a smile.
"but they have like a three week waiting list. Ronnie and I have been waiting forever to get a reservation here"
"you guys should've told me. I would've taken you here" Toni said as they walked into the restaurant.
There were people waiting in line but Toni just walked straight past them.
"is our table ready?" Toni asked the hostess, who smiled at Toni and said "yes, of course Toni." the girl said and took them to their table.
"Your waitress will be right with you" she said before walking away.

"what just happened?" Cheryl asked confused how Toni could get a table so easily. "what do you mean?"
"you got a table in like two seconds and the hostess even seemed to know you"
" oh uhmm well I know the owner so.."
"we're definitely coming back here with Ronnie." Cheryl said amazed by the fact that they were eating at the restaurant she and Veronica had been dying to eat at.
"you guys can come here anytime you want. i'll make sure they know at the door to give you and Ronnie a table"
"thanks Tee, I can't wait to tell Ronnie that you took me here, she's gonna be so jealous" Cheryl laughed.

After they had ordered their food Toni and Cheryl were getting to know each other better "so how did you end up owning a bar in new york? " Cheryl asked Toni this was something she had wondered about for a little while now

" well my parents died when i was really young and after that I bounced from a foster home to another until I joined the serpents at the age of thirteen. when I turned eighteen I got a phone call telling me that I inherited a lot of money. so I got out from Riverdale and decided to move to new york. I was walking around when i saw that the bar was for sale and decided why the hell not. I was a bartender at the white wyrm so I had that part down. then I called Fangs and Pea and offered them jobs since i knew they wanted to leave riverdale too and I missed my best friends. So yeah i guess that's how I ended up with the bar"
"wow, i'm sorry to hear about your parents though." cheryl said with a sympathetic look in her eyes.
"it's alright, i don't remember them at all so it's not that bad. Though sometimes I do wonder what they were like." Toni said with a small smile on her face.

"uhmm Toni we haven't paid yet" Cheryl said as Toni started to get ready to leave after they finished eating their food. "oh yeah, don't worry about that it's taken care of" Toni said putting her jacket on.
"Okayy.." Cheryl said getting up.
"wanna go for a walk in the park?" Toni asked as they were walking out the restaurant. " that sounds nice cheryl said with a smile on her face.

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