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Quick A/N: Sorry that I didn't update the last two days, I was oddly busy and didn't have time to write the chapters.

Jisung paced back and forth as he contemplated this.

He wasn't really mad at Minho anymore, in fact he wasn't mad in the first place, just hurt.

He wants to be friends with Minho again obviously, but he also wants to prove his point.

So he's at a fork in the road about what he wants to do.

And then suddenly, Minho walks from his shared room with Seungmin and Woojin, wearing no shirt.


Oh dang.

He's more ripped than Jisung thought.

Okay, yup, he's gonna talk to Minho

~A little later that day~

Jisung finally sees that Minho is alone and takes this opportunity to talk to him.

Jisung knocks quietly on the already wide open door, causing Minho to look up from his book.

He looks a little shocked to see Jisung but smiles and beckons him in none-the-less.

"Hey." Jisung says, not making eye contact with the older.

"Hi. Did you want to talk?"

"Uh, yeah. I just-" Jisung paused, already feeling heat climb to his face from the awkward atmosphere. "I don't want to be mad at each other for the rest of our lives. I realized how much I was being like Changbin in the sense of not forgiving you when you obviously were apologetic."

Jisung finally looked up, and mentally sighed in relief when he saw Minho smiling. He gained a little more courage and continued, this time keeping eye contact.

"And I'm sorry too. Sure you said hurtful things, but so did I, so I have no reason to be shutting you out when I did the same things." He said finishing.

Minho's lip smile turned into a full toothy grin as he hugged Jisung without warning.

Jisung couldn't help but smile a little himself.

"Don't be sorry Jisung, the things I said were worse, and I'm the one who started it in the first place. So as I've said before, I'm sorry."

Minho pulled back from the hug, but they kept their arms around each other. They made eye contact, both of them knew that they were thinking the same thing.

So Minho leaned in.

They kissed, but Minho immediately noticed something was off. Jisung was... stiff? If that's how you would describe it.

Minho pulled back, still smiling even though he was nervous as hell. He kept his eyes closed and whispered his next words.

"If you don't want to kiss me Ji, I won't force you, just tell me."

"No! No that's not it. I just... Let me try again." His words stumbled out quickly but quietly as he pulled Minho in for another kiss.

Minho didn't pull away this time, but this time it was even stiffer. Jisung broke apart and smiled.

"How was that?" He asked Minho. Minho cocked an eyebrow.

"What do you mea-?" Minho cut himself off as if all came back to him.

He remembered saying Jisung was a bad kisser, and how he could tell it had hurt his feelings. Obviously he hadn't meant it, but it seemed Jisung had thought he did.

"Is this about me calling you a bad kisser?" Minho asks, finally opening his eyes.

Jisung looked a little shocked, Minho could barely even notice it in his features. "N-No..."

"You're a bad liar... But you're not a bad kisser Jisung. You have to be comfortable with me like before." He said calmly, the guilt evident in his tone.

"But what if-?"

"Ah ah ah! What have a told you about asking questions?" Minho smiled before leaning in again, pressing his mouth against his.

Jisung found it difficult to relax, that was, of course, until Minho deepened the kiss. Jisung's mind went fuzzy and he found all thoughts of kissing the correct way disappear. He completely melted under Minho's touch and forgot all of his insecurities. He could only think about how good it felt to be in this situation.

"What the hell?!" The heard from the door, Minho broke apart from him at lightning speed. Jisung continued to just lay there on the floor in a daze, until he finally looked up at the door to see Woojin with wide eyes.

Woojin looks back and forth between the two for a second before speaking. "Never mind, don't care, continue." And he walked off.

Jisung and Minho slowly looked at each other. They made awkward eye contact for a few seconds before both of them bust out into laughter.


They are still staying in Hyunjin's house, they didn't have much other choice, plus they were all pretty comfortable with life there.

After about two months after they made up, Changbin and Felix were finally an official couple.

But even after a year, Minho and Jisung still haven't gotten around to that step.

They kissed each other, cuddled every night, etc, etc. But they never actually ever became a real couple. Both of them were too scared to ask the other.

Changbin came down the rickety steps and walked into the kitchen, planting a quick kiss to Felix's cheek as he passed him sitting at the table.

Jisung couldn't help but feel envious. It wasn't like he didn't have that, but it would be nice to be openly affectionate in front of the others and actually be something more than friends with benefits.

Jisung was broken out of his thoughts when he heard a loud knock at the door.

Jisung motioned to the others, who had fallen silent, that he would handle it.

Jisung walked (no longer hobbled) to the door slowly with his hand on the pistol at his side.

"Who's there?" He said loudly.

"My name is Amber. My have a friend who is really sick and we were wondering if you could offer any hospitality." He heard a sarcastic voice say back. Immediately a huge smile formed on Jisung's face as he threw open the door and hugged the older girl tightly. Amber had a smile on her face as well.

"How did you know we were here!?" Jisung said finally, breaking the hug but still holding her forearms.

"Well, Seungkwan, Vernon and I have been looking for you guys for months, and as soon as I heard your voice I knew it was you." She said, still smiling ear-to-ear. "Why are we standing out here in the heat, let me see my babies." She said, pushing past the boy and walking in.

"MOMMA'S HOME!" She shouted as she walked into the kitchen where the rest of the boys were.

They immediately greeted her with love and hugged her one by one.

Jeongin got up to her and hugged her, just as he was about to step back she gripped his hands and eyed him up and down.

"Lordie Jesus up above you've gotten tall." She said before letting go with a smile. "You little assholes never came to visit! I had to come to you guys!"

She looked around at all the boys before continuing. "But I bring good news! You probably know that you are wanted by police, but I came to tell you that they have dropped the search, they just think you are dead. Seungkwan and Vernon heard it on the radio on their latest trip to District 3." She said, her smile growing.

Everyone looked at each other in shock, before their shock was replaced with happiness. They all were ready to stop living in fear that the police were going to show up and put them back in the lab. They weren't able to get radio service in any district but Districts 3 and 16, so they had no clue the search was off.

"Well now that that's out of the way. We've got lots to catch up on."

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