"The Callahan's don't have a son."

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Jade stood in Lillian's room, trying to dust as the little girl rambled on about her new dress they just bought. This kid probably has more money than I ever will, Jade thought to herself. 

Jade was just about to convince the young Callahan to eat her healthy lunch when the door bell sounded from the floor below. The house keeper made her way down the stairs and stood on tip toe to look into the peep hole.

Behind the door  stood a man no more than a few years older than Jade. His hair was closely cropped to his head and he looked rather uncomfortable, head tipped downward, holding a single suitcase close to his leg, which was in a cast. He had the sort of face you wouldn't want to see alone late at night.

Jade cautiously opened the door to the stranger, angling her body so she blocked entrance to the rest of the house. "May I help you?" 

The man's head whipped up at her voice. "Yes, I'm looking for the Callahan's." Wow, Jade thought, he has such a soothing voice for such a rough demeanor. "My name is Benjamin."

"I'm sorry, the Callahan's aren't  expecting anyone by that name."

"I understand, but really, I'd just like to see my parents." 

"Parents? The Callahan's don't have a son - " 

"Jade," Mrs.Callahan's voice floated through the house, "Who's at the door?" Jade moved aside as her boss poked her head through the door way. "Oh my." 

"Hi, mom," the young man said.

Mrs. Callahan promptly fainted. 

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