"It's just new."

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Dinner was filled with talk of Ben's days in the army, and what he missed while he had been serving for the past seven years. Jade had only been employed by the Callahan's for several months, but she had never see anything that indicated they had a son. 

Jade cleared the table, and was preparing to wash the dishes, when Ben waltzed into the kitchen. "Oh, you don't have to do that. I can manage this," he told her.

Jade held back a laugh. "I have to do this, Mr. Callahan. This happens to be a part of my job description." 

"Oh." he said lamely. "Umm, please don't call me Mr. Callahan. I feel like my father. Ben is fine."

"If that's what you'd like, I'll be sure to remember that."

"Alright," Ben said, turning to leave the kitchen. He stopped in the doorway. "It's nice to meet you. I'm sure you'd have a great smile if you didn't scowl so much."

Jade whipped around, scowl on full blast, when she saw Ben was laughing. She glared at him, but they both knew she didn't mean it as much as she wanted it to.


He kept bothering her while she tried to do work. "Oh, I can do that." he'd insist. "Don't worry about this, I can handle it." 

"Mr. Callah- Ben. This is my job; I am required to clean. I am required to help cook. I'm afraid I can't do that if you insist you can manage."

"I apologize. It's just new. I was responsible for my life back in the Force. I have to get used to someone else doing it for me."

"Please, get used to it fast. It's taken me an hour to clean this hallway with you popping in and out every three minutes." Jade said.

Ben flushed. "Right. Okay, will do." Jade exhaled through her nose and rolled her eyes. Callahan's... she thought

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