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Mia's POV
Today I start my first day of sophomore year, I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of scared. I made this promise to myself at the end of last year that I'd change, be more willing to do risky things and give into my desires. That's a hard thing to do when you've always been a more go with the flow, don't be too out there kind of girl. My boyfriend Shane has always told me to get out more, party more, be more unpredictable. So I decided what's the worse that could happen.

When I finally got done getting ready I walk out of the house slamming the door. Immediately running to Shane who is currently in my driveway. He doesn't want us to drive to school separately especially since we live right across the street from each other. I know it's weird, living across from my boyfriend, but it has it's pros, like not having to drive to a whole different neighborhood to see each other when I could just go outside. Anyways, getting into the car he kisses me and starts to back out of the driveway. The drive there was nothing but fun, singing and holding hands all the way there. We also made a Starbucks run, my idea. 

Getting out of the car I walk to Shane's side holding his hand while walking into the building. Once inside we're met with looks of lust and hatred, guys hating on him and girls hating on me. While on the other hand guys lusting over me and girls over Shane.  Ignoring them we continue to walk until we make it to the auditorium, splitting up to get our schedules with our classes on it I go to the sophomore line while he goes to his senior line. On my way over I am stopped by no other than Mr. Russo, my teacher crush of last year. "Hey Mia, how was break?" he asks with a smirk.. Okay lets recap on me and Mr. Russo's relationship.

Flashback... Last year

Me and Mr. Russo always had this "chemistry" if you will, he hates Shane with a passion. Last year he tried to come on to me, and don't get me wrong he's one fine specimen only thing is that he's a bit conceited and arrogant. He thinks he owns me or some bullshit like that, always texting and calling me, I blocked his number but when does that ever stop someone from getting in contact with you? Either way he is always somewhere I am at, and he is basically a stalker , one time he showed up at my house late at night asking to "Give me the best head of my life", lets just say him and Shane had a fight in my front yard thank God no one called the cops. That's basically it from me and him, I cannot stand him but somehow he is in love with me.

"Good Mr. Russo" I reply rolling my eyes. Looking at him I see his jaw clenched, he's always had a problem with me not getting into conversation with him but oh well. "Well I checked my roster and it seems like you'll be dealing with me again this year" he says cockily, "Hmm you don't say, looks like I will be changing my schedule then huh?" "Do it and watch what happens, Mia I will make your life hell do not test me" "You're an asshole you know that right? Why can't you get it huh, I do not like you, never will. There's no chance with me especially since I'm taken and don't see myself getting out of that relationship anytime soon." Before he could respond I turned around grabbed my schedule and met Shane at his locker like we had planned to do.

Once I finally reached his locker, he had it opened revealing a picture of us kissing on the beach from two summers ago when we went to San Diego. I smiled remembering everything from that trip, he noticed what I was looking at and smiled too. He grabbed all his books and grabbed my hand again. "What took so long?" "Mr. Russo stopped me" I reply, looking up at Shane I seen his jaw lock and his body tense. "What'd he want?" "Not much just talking about his normal bullshit" Nodding his head we walk to my locker in silence. Getting uncomfortable with the silence I decide to speak up, "Shane what is it?" I said laughing a little. He looked into my eyes giving me a concerned look, "Mia tell me the truth, if he went about things differently would you give him a chance?." I sighed putting my hand on his cheek, "Never". He smiled leaning in to kiss me. I just laughed shaking my head, "You're such a baby."

Shutting my locker we walk to my class I looked around the room finding a seat to sit in. I didn't want to sit in the front but I didn't want to sit in the back so I decided on a seat in the center. Looking around I got smiles and rude looks from some of the girls. Class didn't start for another 15 minutes, so I decided to get on my phone. I was scrolling through Instagram when I felt someone tap me. Turning around I was greeted with a face I knew too well, Tamia my friend since forever. Tamia was the crazy, loud, outgoing friend who took shit from nobody. Me on the other hand am not, I'm quiet but loud when I need to be.

"So what's up?" I asked Tamia. She looked at me and squealed causing looks and laughs from some of the students in class. I looked at her laughing "Tamia seriously what is it?" "Nothing I'm just excited to finally be a sophomore in high school with my best friend, who also gets her license next week!." "Bro yessss I feel like this is the best thing to ever happen to me, no more asking Shane to take me anywhere." "Not really the best thing but almost" Tamia says making me laugh shaking my head. " I can't deal with you" I say laughing again. "No one can but it's all good, anywayyys so are you coming to the party Friday night?" Looking at her annoyed because I know where this is going I respond, "Not sure yet Tamia who's throwing it?" Looking down I hear her mumble something, "What was that? I ask. "I said Desmond." Looking at her I was going to say no until I remembered my promise. "okay yes , I'll go I'll go." Smiling hard as hell she responds "yesss omg bitch we're gonna have so much fun!"

As soon as I was going to respond the teacher walked in, being no other than Mr. Russo himself.  Looking around with a grin on his face, it gets brighter once he sees me. "Good morning class." "Morning Mr. Russo", answered everyone but me. Girls swooned over him while I simply just couldn't stand him.  "My name is Mr. Russo and I will be your Socials Studies teacher this semester, this week will be a free week since this is a new year, you guys will probably be changing schedules still so feel free to do what you want, unless it's illegal." he said looking at me when talking about switching schedules. The class began to chuckle while going back to doing whatever, while me on the other hand just rolled my eyes hoping this class would be over. 


After a long 8 hours school was finally over and I was at home sleeping getting ready for the next day of the same thing. I was ready for Friday night, I was ready to let go and get loose, but not too loose.

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