Part 1: You WHAT?!

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*What you need to know*
(Y/N)= Your name
(H/L)= Hair length
(H/T)= Hair type
(E/C)= Eye color

    "(Y/N)! Get in here we're going over the plan!" said my leader. I ran out of the kitchen and into the planing room seeing my other two team mates already there, "What'd I miss?" I asked nervously seeing as I can't tell what they're thinking with masks on, "Well, lucky for you we only went over the begining when we noticed you weren't here." Our leader BB said, BB is short for Baby bear. Baby bear is our gang leader, she's short but is good with sub machine guns and most dual wielded guns. BB wears a light brown bear hoodie with bear ears at the top, her hoodie goes just above her knees and wears capri legenth leggings and black and white convers. BBs' hair is dyed light pink but since her hood is always up you only see her bangs that poke out, her bangs go down to about the middle of her eyebrows and go straight across a few gaps here and there but they look professional. BB wears an all white mask with black feminine eyes, a black bear nose, three black dots in a triangular shape on each side of her cheeks to be freeckles, and short black horizontal oval eyebrows. I nodded to her then looked at Catness, or Cat for short. Cat was taller than I was. She's our big gun expert and sniper, she has short brown hair and left side swept bangs. Cats' outfit basically looked like Kim Possibles, I quietly giggle at that thought. Cat had a white mask with black feminine eyes, a black cat nose, three small black whiskers on the cheeks and the same eyebrows as BB. I then looked to the left which had a mirror, and looked at myself my nickname is Panda, I am the melee expert. I had (H/L) (H/T) hair, a mask that had black feminine eyes as well but looked bored and two N's on my cheeks to look like blush, and like the other two I had the same eyebrows as the other two. I wore a sleveless black shirt that went just past my belly-button, light blue jean shorts, long black socks that went up to my mid thigh and black and white convers as well. I looked back to BB as she said, "And thats it, you two get that?" I could just feel their stares as I looked down trying to hold a laugh seeing as we all knew I wasn't paying attention, again. BB sighed, "Ok let's go over this again. So first we'll leave in our black van, then we barge in through the back and yell at everyone to get down. Then while everyone is down I will shoot everyone dead while you two loot the money. Then once we have finished that, loot what you can from the dead bodies until I say we leave. We will leave the same way we came and (Y/N), you're driving." She finished and looked at me as did Cat, "Did you get it this time?" BB asked, "Yee!" I said while saluted towards her, they giggled for a second then we left to get ready.
            Gloves, check! Mask, check! Weapons, yup! I giggled and ran out my room into the living room waiting with Cat for BB to get done, "So Cat, you excited?!" I asked her while flipping my knives around, "Da, I hear that the bank is a very fancy one. I hope to get all the big money." She said while looking straight, "Same here, so don't mess anything up." BB said finally getting out to the living room, "Let's roll, (Y/N). Car. Now." BB stated running out with Cat and me in lead.

                          *Time Skip to the Bank*
           "Three... Two... One... Go!" BB counted as she kicked open the door, "Everybody get the FUCK on the ground and don't make me ask twice or you're dead!" I yelled running over to the big ass safe in the back with Cat behind me shooting the people that work there as we walk by them. Cat and I are almost done looting when we hear a big ass explosion, "I'll go check it out." I told Cat as I ran out to the lobby. Once I got there I saw BB taking cover while I hear a males voice, "Oi! did someone really steal our bank!?" he sounded Australian, "Panda I need help!" I heard BB yell, "I-eet where you at!" I yelled back running taking cover as shots were now being fired from the other gang and BB, "Over here you idiot!" she yelled from a spot I just ran past, "Now. ladies, I presume, we can call this battle over if you just hand us the loot over!" a New Zealand accent spoke, "Nah, how's about you guys just leave!" I yelled back but was smacked upside the head by Cat who just got here, "You better stop talking before we get killed." Cat said in her Russian accent, "OI! WHO SAID THAT!" the Austrailian yelled back standing up. BB and Cat started taking fire again and shot the Austrailian, I started shooting again as well and after a few minutes I finally ran out of bullets and when I turned neither Cat or BB were there, but a bomb was, "BOMB!" I yelled and ran towards the exit I entered from, as I stepped out the bomb went off and I got blown back.

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