Part 3: New Job

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What you need to know:
(Y/N)= Your name
(D/H)= Dominant hand
(H/C)= Hair color
*(Y/N) POV*
        I arived back at my house with my half eaten Subway Sandwich, "Home sweet home am I right?" I said to myself sitting on a couch in the living room and looking at the phone Ohm gave me, "I wonder if theres any music." I said looking through all of the apps. I found Google music and choose a station and it played 'Pops' by THEY. I listened to music and finished eating my sandwich.

        'I should take a shower.' I thought standing up, grabbing the phone still playing music and walked to the bathroom. I jammed out in the shower and once I got out looked at myself in the mirror, 'Maybe I should get some new clothes' I said staring at my clothes on my right.

        I decided to go clothes 'shopping' at 10:00 PM. I walked around the town seeing sketchy people every so often in allyways. I stopped at an Urban outfiters and broke in making sure to not set off any alarms. I looked around for quiet a bit and found a cool outfit.

I was really proud of my outfit and decided to text Ohm while walking out of the store with the outfit on, 'Hey Ohm can you find me a mission now?'I waited for a few minutes walking around until I heard the ring, 'Yeah, there is a guy named James ...

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I was really proud of my outfit and decided to text Ohm while walking out of the store with the outfit on, 'Hey Ohm can you find me a mission now?'
I waited for a few minutes walking around until I heard the ring, 'Yeah, there is a guy named James who has a bounty on his head for $450' I smiled and replied with, 'I'll take it' he sent a thumbs up and coordinates to the mans' house with was a few blocks away so I took detours through allyways.

        After 36 minutes I am now standing infront of his house, 'Fuck I forgot my weapons at home!' I face palmed and looked around the guys house trying to find anything I can use to kill him. I found a shed in the backyard and quietly broke into it, immediately I found an axe. I picked it up and took a test swing smiling under my mask and walked to a window opening it. I was small enough to crawl through. I looked around and I'm at the end of a hallway and walked trying to hear any sounds.

        At the fourth door I heard loud deep snooring, 'How'd I not hear that in the first place?' joking slightly. I opened the door as quiet as I could. closed it and walked over to the guy. The guy had medium grey hair and had a round face with a grey stubble. I  lifted up the axe and brought it down on his neck with all my strength. I picked the axe back up and watched the blood seep into the bed the guy was in.

        I took out my phone and texted Ohm, 'Done.' a few seconds later he texted back, 'Ok, now take a picture and sent it to me so I know you did it.' I gigled texing back, 'I see how it is you don't trust me lol.' I took a selfie of me holding the axe, with the dead guy behind me still bleeding and sent it to Ohm, 'Damn, you sure hes dead? lol. Anyways come to my office anytime to collect your money.' I laughed and walked out still carying the axe, 'By the way nice jacket.' Ohm texted I smiled, 'Thanks it's new.'

        While walking home I heard a faint, 'Auahhhh' or something intriguing me. When I waled over to the sound I saw a group of guys in a circle I walked up and asked, "Hey! what's going on here?" the guys looked at me then the axe, "Why do you wanna know sweet cheeks?" a guy said and snickered while the other laughed, "Well, Mr. Tough guy, I was curious, so as I said before, what are ya doing?" I said a hint of annoyance in my voice. The guys laughed one walking closer, "Now, don't you know about how curiosity killed the cat?" He put on a toothy grin and I walked closer, "And don't you know how to answer simple questions?" I snapped back. We were now in a stare off.

        After a few seconds the guy came running at me. I quickly swung the axe his way aiming at his head. I hit my target right above his ear with a nasty sound following. His friends stared in horror, "Now, that wouldn't of happened if you just answered my fucking question." I said resting the axe on my shoulder. The guys all ran at me so I swung at the first guy and used the momentum to push two other guys next to him down. I pulled the axe out of the guy and swung again at one guy on my right and side kicked another guy on my right. I continued fighting for 6 minutes and they were all on the floor either passed out or dead.

        I sighed and walked over to what the guys were surrounding which was a person, "Hey you ok?" I asked. I kneeled down beside them and checked ther pulse, "You're alive, so that's good." I rolled them over to see their face and it was a guy around my age. The guy had a skin tone that was a little darker than fair but not tan, a black beard, one black eye, I couldn't see his other one since he wore a black eye patch over it. I looked at what the guy was wearing and it was a red jacket with short black devil horns on it, he wore semi tight black pants and black shoes.

        I pondered for a while and thought it would be a nice thing to do if I took him home with me. I picked him up and put him on my back. I held the axe in my (D/H) and held the guys legs, he was a little heavy but thats fine. I reached my house and dropped him on the floor tired and held myself up against mt door while rumaging through my pockets for my house key. I found it, opened the door and just dragged the guy inside pulling his hand. I got him in and put him on the coutch, walking back to the door closing and locking it. I took a deep sigh, put the axe next to the door, and walked to the bathroom looking for a first aid.

        I look in a cabinit in the bathroom and low and behold, a first aid kit. I walked it back over to where the guy was and started patching him up, he had quite a few cuts and a lot of brusies some probably from me dropping and dragging him. When I finished I looked at the clock and it read 1:15 am, "Damn, you took up a lot of my time." I said looking at the guy and laughed a little.

        I walked to my bedroom and didn't bother changing or taking my mask off, and just fell asleep

*Cartoonz POV*

        I was being beat up by the gang I just left and even though I didn't want to, I screamed in pain, "Auahhhh!" I then heard a few voices but passed out from the pain I felt. I parshally woke up from a I don't know know long nap, and saw that I was being carried my a girl that had (H/C) hair, I felt like I was being dropped and passed out, 'my head hurts' was my last thought.

I know most people don't reasd these but sorry this was a short chapter

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