Part 4: A Companion

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*(Y/N) POV)

        I woke up and my face hurted, I went to touch it to see if I got cut or something but it turns out it's just my mask. I jolted up recalling the guy I brought home yesterday, 'Heh, brought home a man.' I snickered at the thought.

        I went out to the living room to see if he was there, which he wasn't, "How the hell you gonna leave after someone helps you." I said leaning against a wall and crossing my arms a little mad. I then heard a toilet flush and running water from the bathroom and turned towards it.

        "Well sorry if I had to pee." the guy walked out of the bathroom letting out a small laugh, "Oh right I forgot people pee." we shared a laugh. He looked at me looking a little confused, "Something up?" I asked, "It's just that, you don't know me and yet you patched me up and now we're sharing a casual conversation." he also leaned against the wall, "Well, I didn't think you would want to wake up next to the guys that were beating the shit outta you, and I thought why not do a good deed, as for our conversation you just seem easy to talk to." I said shrugging at the last part.

        He just nodded and walked towards to the kitchen, "Cool, so what's for breakfast?" he asked leaning against a counter looking at me smirking, "I don't know, what IS for breakfast chef?" I said walking up to him smirking back at him, "Woah since when was I chef?" he asked holding up his hands in a defensive manner, "Ever since you demanded food." I said walking to the couch he slept on last night, "Fine I'll do it. But ONLY because you helped me." I smiled even though he couldn't see it and nodded at him.

        I went back to my room to get my phone. I picked it up and sat on my bed for a little until I smelt the noice smell of crispy bacon. I put my phone in my pocket, put deoderant on real quick and went to the kitchen. I was surprised to see waffles eggs and bacon, "My dude, please stay here." I said speed walking over to the food on a plate, lifting my mask up a little so I could eat. He turned to me with a spatula in hand, "For real?" I looked at him and quickly nodded my head.

      When he finished cooking his food he sat down next to me at the island counter thing in the middle of the kitchen puling out a bar stool, "I mean it depends, what do you do for a living?" he asked puting bacon in his mouth, "I... do stuff for other people???" his eyes went wide and he spit out his bacon. Realizing what I said I panicked, "OH WAIT! I'm not a prostitute I swear!" I said standing holding my hands out shaking them as another sign as no, "Oh my god!" he started laughing he even fell ou of his chair me laughing with him.

        After we finished laughing I restated, "Sorry, I ment like missions, fyou know? assination and all that kind of stuff." I said while he nodded showing he understood, "So what do you do?" I asked shifting my eyes to him, "Basically the same thing, but since I was in a gang we did it all together." I nodded, "So were you serious about the teaming up thing?" he asked finishing his food somehow before me, "Yeah! I'd be cool to know someone has my back, just as long as you don't back stab me like my old gang." he looked a little confused, "Ok, but why trust me so fast? We don't even know each others name."

        I stood up finishing up my food and holding out my right hand to him, "Well now you do, my name is (N/N) or (Y/N) if we're in private." he laughed a small bit stood up and shook my hand, "Nice to meet you (Y/N), my name is Cartoonz or Luke." I laughed and he did as well, "As for the trust thing, so far you've been way nicer than my old gang has been to me." I said picking up both of our plates and silverware and putting them in the sink.

        I heard him walk behind me and turn me around, "I swear to treat you right." he said looking into my eyes with a serious look. Now that look at him I realized he has black eyes. I smiled and laughed a little earning a confused look from him, "You asking me out or somthing cause it sure does sound like it." I said still laughing as he blushed a little.

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