Part 2: On my own

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        It's been about a week since that whole robbery and killing my gang ordeal and I'm finally all settled in my new home. I am for the first time getting out of the house to look for that Ohm guy Cat talked about. As I'm walking i bump into a tall buff looking guy with red dyed hair who just grunts, " Mark has no time for puny girl with mask" and walked by, ' Ahhhhhhh! He sounded like a cave man!' I thought and started laughing, luckily the guy already turned the corner. Started walking once again and thought, I don't even know where this Ohm guy is, why am I just aimlessly walking?! Stupid ask someone.' I then tried to look for someone that looked like they would be in a gang or something. After a while I found a guy who had a perfect dark sink tone and was wearing a Finn outfit from Adventure Time, I tapped his shoulder and when he turned around, "Damn" was all I thought. He looked a little concerned and broke me out of my thoughts by saying, " Hey you ok?" I shook my head yes, "Yes! I'm looking for someone named... Ohm?" Sounding a little unsure saying his name, "And why ask me? Why you think I know who he is?" He asked, "Cause you look like a gang member." I stated bluntly, he looked a little pissed, "Is it cause I'm black?! You think I'm a gang member just cause I'm BLACK huh?!" He yelled as i shook my head no fast, " No! It's cause I've seen someone that looked like you on tv before!" I yelled back a little nervous and scared, 'I mean i have seen someone like him on tv, but only once and i have no clue if its actually him.' I though as. He sighed, "Sorry, I do know Ohm. He's right around the corner, I'm going there myself..." I waited until i realised what he paused for, " It's fine, my name is... (C/N)" I said holding out my hand for him to shake which he took, "Basically, that's my name." His name sounded familiar but i shrugged it off. He started walking and i followed, " So what you going to Ohm for?" Basically asked starting up a conversation, "I needed some information about my ex Gang and another gang." I answered he looked at me, " What do you mean EX gang?" He qestioned, " I was unwanted so I left." He looked at me with sad eyes, "Sorry. I-Uh we're here!" He said and opened a door for me, "Ladies first." He said and I giggled, once he heard me giggle I'm not sure but i think i saw a little bit of blush. Oh well.

        We entered a decent looking building and Basically walked up to what looked like the front desk saying something pointing back to me then talking again, I walked over to hear the lady in the front say, " Of course, please wait there for Ohm to call you in." Basically just nods, grabs my wrist and leads me to a booth, " So, why are you here?" I asked this time being the one to start up a conversation,i'm here to talk him into joining the gang I'm in." He said confidently with a smile, "Basically, Mr.Ohm is ready to see you and your friend." The lady at the front desk said. Basically walked up to big doors and motioned for me to follow him. He knocked and a voice from in said said, "Come in." Basically opened the doors and we walked in. It was a good sized room and a man behind a desk was wearing a grey bandana with an omega symbol covering his eyes, he wore a grey hoodie with bunny ears at the top, with his hood up only some of his brown hair stuck out, "Basically, what do you need and who is this girl?" His voice sounded smooth but raspy, 'Wierd.' I thought Basically stepped foward, "As a request straight from Vanoss, join our gang, as for her this is (N/N)." He said the last bit pushing me foward a bit. Ohm looked me up and down, " Is she in your gang?" I shook my head no, "What a shame, then why are you here?" He asked resting his head in his palm still looking at me.

        Basically and I look at eachother and shrug, "I heard you had information regarding me ex gang and what they recently pulled." I stated looking back at Ohm, "And what gang were you in?" He asked back opening a cabinet next to his desk, "The BMS, or Big Medium Small." Ohm nodded and started looking though files, "BMS? Never heard of it, was it new?" Basically asked, "Not really, we were at it for about 5 years." You replied thinking about when you first met them.


        I ran into an alleyway with a Subway sandwich in hand, 'I finaly get to eat!' I cheered In my head. As I take my mask off and was about to take a bite I heard footsteps running my way and a man yell, "You stupid Russian get the FUCK back here!" I got up and saw a tall girl with brown hair and a pixi cut running in the alleyway I'm in with a giant crowd behind her. I was scared I would get trampled so I ran beside her trying to eat my sub at the same time with my mask just above my lips so I can eat, "Why are you running with me?" the girl next to me said with a thick Russian accent, "I didn't want to get trampled and risk my sandwiches life, you crazy?!" I said back hearing a laugh, "My name is Catness" she said as I finaly get a good look at her, she had a black bandana covering her noes and mouth leaving her Emerald eyes show. Catness had fair skin and was wearing a long worn brown sweater and dark blue jean, and to top it off she had two diferent colored convers on, left was green and right was dark blue. We kept running and saw a small child laying in the middle of our way, being the good person I am I finished my last bite of my sub, leaned down and picked up the girl while still running with Catness. The girl started to wiggle around and started yelling, "Hey what the h- Put me down asshole!" she yelled  finaly looking back at the mob as they ran through where she was asleep at, "Oh, thanks I guess." she said as I looked at her he had strawberry blond hair and black eyes that looked pretty scary if I'm being honest. Her hair was in a professional looking ponytail with bangs that hung in the middle of her eye brows. The girl was wearing light blue capri jeans and a light pink t-shirt with a small bear face on both sleeves, and she wore worn out looking black Nikes. I nodded at her as we ran for about 11 more minutes before finaly losing the mob by entering a pizza restaurant through a back door. We closed the door quickly but quietly and took a rest, "So.. I never... got your... name." I said inbetween breaths looking at the smaller girl, "Just call me... Baby Bear." she said also aout of breath, "What about you?" Catness looked at me, "Ah right!" I took a deep breath and stood up straight, "(N/N) or (Y/N), at your service." I said and curtsy at them earning a laugh. I laugh along with them.

*End of Flashback*

        I smiled at the though but it soon faided as I said, "But apparently those 5 years ment nothing to them." Ohm then shut the cabinet and tossed me a folder, "That's all I have, if you have any questions or are in need of anything else ask now." I nodded, "Are the things they requested in here as well?" holding up the folder saying so, he nodded yes. As I'm looking though I read the most recent request, 'What Gangs do you know of are planing a mission involving loot and what is the date?' I looked for the answer, 'The Gay Baby Gang or GBG is planing a heist in exactly 3 weeks at 13:00' I put the paper back into the folder and handed it back to Ohm, "Who is the Gay Baby Gang?" I asked and heard Basically gasp, "Yo! I know about them!"he yelled with excitement, "They're a gang on the rise!" he exclaimed, "I'll see what I have" Ohm said intrigued. It was a good 3 minutes until them folder was handed to me and Ohm got up from his dest to walk behind me looking over my shoulder reading what it had to say and Basically doing the same.

        "Their gamg consists of about 8 members, 'Fitz, Swaggersouls, Zuckles, Raccoonegs, Johnontheradio, Kryoz, and Smiity' one of their member have been missing for about 9 months, his name is Inotorious. This gang has been together for about 6 years holding a strong bond. There is no offical leader but Fitz is known to 'take charge'." I read aloud the important information as the other two listened still looking over my shoulders. I looked through more pictures to find a group photo of the guys from the bank with their names writen abouve their heads

 I looked through more pictures to find a group photo of the guys from the bank with their names writen abouve their heads

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(Something like this, sorry I couldn't find a pic so I found this instead)

        "Damn they look cool." Basically stated then looked at Ohm, "So you never answered my question, are you joining our gang?" I looked between Ohm and Bassically waiting for somthing to happen, "Sure, if (N/N) starts coming here for missions." They both looked at me, "Ok, will I get paid? I need money." I said and Ohm nodded going back behind his desk, opening a drawer in his desk and handing me a Phone, charger and his number, "This is a special phone that can not be tracked by others but me and I will text and call you missions." he said and I nodded starting to leave until Basically called out, "Hey! Where you going!" I looked back, "Subway." I laughed and ran out to find the closest subway.

        *BasicallyIdoWrk P.O.V*
       I looked at her and thought, 'Stupid! you forgot to give her your number too!' Ohm must have noticed me spacing out a little, "So, she intrest you too?" I looked at him confused, "Too?" I could just tell he smiled, "So why does Evan want me this time?" he said changing the conversation, "We're actually breaking into the GBG and declare them as our new rivals, so I'm glad (N/N) asked about them." all he did was nod and I just left saying I'll text him later. I was driving home and all I could think about was (N/N), 'What's she like under the mask?'

        Someone please make a GBG x reader

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