Part 9: Ahhh So you're Gay?

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        I sat on the couch waiting for Bordie to come back from her 'buessnies' she said she had to attend to and all of a sudden everyone except Bordie comes running into the room, "WHAT'D YOU HEAR!" Smiity yelled, "Hear what?" I asked confused, "OHHHHH! I think that you mean Bordie, she said she had some important thing to do then left." I explained," Oh, good. And sorry for yelleing." Smiity said giving me a quick hug, "Nah it's good." I said hugging him back, "Yeah, I'm sorry too." Racc said over exageratingly givving me a longer hug and leading everyone else to do the same. Then Bordie came in and winked at me while the guys glared at her and chased after her except Kryoz and Smitty who just sighed and sat on each side of me.

        "Ok so you ARE cool with the Lgbtq+ community right?" Kryoz asked seriously looking at me as well as Smitty, "Well, of course. I've even dated a girl in the past." I relpied earning surprised faces from the two, "For real?" Smitty asked as I just nodded my head.


        I walked up to Cats room and knocked, "Hey Cat you in there?" after a few seconds later she opened the door. I looked at her, her mask was still on as was mine. I took a deep breath in, "Ok so, we've known eachother for so long and I just... I think I like you. Like, like like you." I said looking up at her seeing as she's pretty tall. She sighed and looked at her door, "Can I have some time to think?" I love her accent it's so mesmerising. I nodded my head and walked off towards my room.

*Cat's P.O.V*

        Walking to Bears room I just walked in knowing she would know it's me, "She asked me out." I satated planely to her. She looked shocked, "She what?" I did not answer for I do not like to repeat myself. "Hmm... I think this could be useful later on. She could be our bait." Bear said back thinking, "So I say yes?" I asked needing an answer.

        "Yes." she said, "Make sure to make it realistic so she isn't suspicous, I'll play along too." I nodded walking out to find Panda to tell her the 'Great News'.

*Y/N P.O.V*

        "Yes." I heard behind me scaring me a little but when I turned around I was surprised, "Really?! Oh my god I'm so happy!" I yelled cheerfully wraping my arms around her neck her warping hers around my waist.
*End of Flashback!*

        I shook my head to clear out that memory, "Yeah. So... why ya ask?" I asked them back, "Bordie, she's gay." Kryoz said as bussling got closer to the living room.

        Bordie came in and stood in front of me, "Sure am! And I have my gay eyes set on you." She said taking my hand and kissing it earning my blush. The other guys came in and started to yell at Bordie. Kryoz and Smitty joined. I didn't want to be mixed up in the chaos so I started to wonder. As I walk down the hallways I end up hearing a guitar and someone singing. And so I go and investigate cause I have litteraly nothing else to do.

        As I get closer I realize they're singing the ending of 'Hey there Delilah' then stop playing guitar to playing the remix of 'Mr. Sandman' and started rapping. I looked through the crack of their door to see a guy in a Black hoodie with some black hair sticking out, he was wear in mask that coved his mouth that has an X made up of arrows in the middle and 'xd' written a little bit everywhere.

        As he ended he looked at me with brown eyes that glimmered with interest, "Hello." He said smoothly while walking over to me. He not too tall not too short but just the right height if that's even possible. I waved and asked, "So you part of this group too?" He nodded, "Yup, are you a new member?" I shook my head, "Nah, just kind of and extra that got pulled along with an austrailian." I said laughing earning a laugh from him too.

        He was about to say something until someone barged in, "Ainsley Is HeRE!" they yelled with a wierd accent I've never heard before. I looked at them and they looked just like the guy infront of me but without a mask that's replased with a goofy smile that somehow grew when he saw me, "Ohhh Mccreamy has found a pretty lady." he said slowly closing the door but yelling, "Don't forget to use condom!" before slamming the door completely making Mccreamy burst out laughing along with me a few seconds later of my brain prossesed what just happened.

        After we finish laughing he wipes some of his tears away and apologizes, "Sorry, that's my twin brother Ainsley. I love him." he said the last part genuinly. It made me smile.

        The door slammed open again to most of the guys looking panicked, "JAY DON'T YOU FRICKING DARE!" John with a bennie yelled embrasing me dramatically while pointing at Mccreamy. Fitz walked in with a kiss the cheif apron on and spoon in hand, "What's going on?" he asked worried.

        'I know I shouldn't be thinking this right now but awww Fitz looks so cute' I smiled at the thought and It seemes he noticed and blushed. Mccreamy asked, "I should be the one asking what's wrong." Mccreamy said laughing a little. Toby embrassed me even more, "I heard Ainsley yell about you useing a condom a Bordie is gay so I knew it wasn't her." Toby said protectivly as Fitz dropped his spoon, "Was it Ainsley being Ainsley or is this for real?" Fitz asked kind of sad, "Of course it's not real, but I hope it is someday." Mccreamy replied winking at the last part.

        Toby picked me up and put me over his shoulder, "Nope!" He yelled running out of the room towards what I assume the kitchen seeing as there is a strong scent of food that's becimging stronger and stronger as Toby runs.

*Toby Pov*

        Please don't fall for Mccreamy of all people! I know he's a great guy but that's just it! He's so perfect, a singer, gamer, kind, funny, he's in a gang, and he plays insturments. I know he'll win her over really fast but I really want her unlike most the other people I dated in the past. A tear rolled down my face while think so I wiped it way and kept running with her to the kitchen.

        Sorry this took forever highschool's hard plus I have to retake a few classes and drama is everywhere sooo yeah I just hope you enjoyed. <3

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