
151 4 4

Word count: 955

Pairings: Julia and Magnus

This one is angst again. Guess these two are who I come to when i feel like crap and want to use writing to feel better.


What are the reasons we say I love you?

In begging for forgiveness. A common one. Three simple words and all is forgotten.

As a reminder. There are days wherein one may forget. It helps to remind them that they are loved. They are loved.

As habit. When you go to bed, or wake up, or prepare a meal. A kiss. And I love you. At the same time every day.

What are the reasons we say I love you?

As a goodbye. Terms of endearment spoken upon departure. A mutual understanding that, regardless as to far you may be from one another, your love will defy the distance. As a goodbye.

He said it as a goodbye.

Magnus quite nearly forgot such simple words. His shoulders had already begun to ache under the weight of the wooden rocking chair strapped onto his back, and he squinted against the rising sun as he stepped out from the shop. A bell rang as the door slipped shut behind him, and at once he was met with a street full of bustling figures. An elven woman carrying a loaf of bread nodded to Magnus, and he returned the gesture. A group of young boys weaved through the oncoming traffic, muttering excuse me's to those they passed yet stopping for a full "Good morning, sir!" when they saw Magnus standing on the street side. An older man sitting on his porch waved at him. A young girl in a frilly dress gave him a shy smile. The square was alive and thriving already so early in the morning, and Magnus smiled at each and every face that passed him.

Because, on Ravens Roost, he knew them all.

And all knew the tales of their savior Magnus Burnsides.

The grip he held on the rocking chair secured to his back tightened as he stepped forward into the swarm of people making their way through the streets. A lavender smell wafted from him, and it was enough to snag the attention of those around him. A few granted him good lucks, even more complimented his newest product. But he passed by them all as quickly and politely as he could. After all, he needed to be at the competition site by sundown. And his wagon was on the other side of town.

Someone shouted his name.

Magnus kept his chin down, partially hoping that one of his neighbors would not take offense in him not responding. But the calling persisted, and he spun around to see a figure pushing her way through the crowd.

At last, the dark-skinned woman met Magnus face to face.

Julia smiled at him breathlessly. "You forgot something, you dingus."

Magnus' hands flew to his pockets, his bag, his shirt, searching for a lump or crevice that may have been missing, yet found no such absence. He frowned. "Really? Because I could have sworn I had everything..."

Julia stood up on the tips of her toes and slipped her fingers around Magnus' collar, pulling him down to her height so that their lips could meet. A surprised laugh, but then a sigh as Magnus pulled his wife closer to him.

He felt the crowd arc around them, giving the husband and wife just enough room to hold onto one another, to wrap around one another in a deep embrace compassionate enough to be their last. For all anyone knew, it was.

Why do we say I love you?

As a precaution.

Because we never know when we'll get to say it next.

Julia slid back down to the balls of her feet, and Magnus' eyes opened slowly. Reluctantly. As if fearful that opening his eyes may reveal it to have been a dream. But, at last, they flickered open. And Magnus met the deep eyes of Julia staring up at him in amusement. Something was missing.

A single, splintered finger fell onto the square cloth now hanging from Magnus' neck. He looked down at it, then up to see the handkerchief she regularly worse missing from atop Julia's head. Her hair fell into her face uncontrollably without the mess of fabric holding it back, and Magnus grinned as he tucked some of it behind her ear.

"What's this for?"

"A safety measure." Julia shrugged. "That way you don't forget me."

Magnus laughed. "I'll only be gone for the weekend."

"A lot can happen in two days."

"Yeah," Magnus ran a hand over the back of his neck, "I suppose you're right."

Once more, his fingers fell to the crimson fabric, and Julia's hand settled atop that. "You can give this back when you get home, kay? But, for now, you're late. Your driver's gonna leave you behind."

Magnus smiled softly at her. "What would I do without you?"

"Be late for everything, probably." Julia pushed him away. "Love you Maggie."

Magnus stumbled backwards through the crowd, watching the silhouette of his wife as she slowly became enveloped by townsfolk as they marched on with their days. And, yet, Magnus only stood there. Watching. All too aware of the deadline he had, yet even more so aware of the beauty, the perfection, the compassion of his wife. At last, he found his words.

"I love you, Jules."

Why do we say I love you?

Because endings exist.

Buildings burn.

Memories fade.

Lives are lost.

And, there is no control over these variables of our lives.

Every second we spend away from those that we love is a second more of an endless gamble we play with the universe. Every moment wherein our eyes are not on them is another moment when you may not see them again. Houses can burn down within minutes. Memories can fade until there comes a day when we call upon a face and find it's no longer there.

And lives are lost.

Lives are lost.

And so, we say I love you.

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