Imperfect Together

226 5 13

Word count: 3134

Pairings: Taakitz

Concept: Wedding bells are ringing, and despite the fact that Taako set them off he wants nothing more than for them to fucking stop.


"This is a fucking disaster."

Taako stood, arms linked with his sister, at the doorway leading into the chapel. Past the rows upon rows of pews leading up towards the very front of the chapel stood Magnus, balancing precariously on a ladder as he attempted to hang streamers against the wall. When he saw Taako, and grinned and flashed him a thumbs up. Taako sneered.

Lup shrugged, tugging him further through the doorway. "I think it looks nice."

"I specifically said silk. Not, whatever the hell that is. This isn't some kids party."

The pairs eyes glanced up at the rainbow-colored streamers hanging around the room, all hung by Magnus sharply dressed in a sleeveless, green tux. The room looked as if the entirety of a pride parade had gone through it. Each bench was lined with rainbow bows, the trellis had vines of rainbow colored flowers curled around it. Even the painting of Istus hanging along the back wall had been decorated. It was over the top, but exactly how Taako preferred it.

Well, how both Taako, and Kravitz preferred it.

A hand patted Taako on the back, and he turned to see Luca standing behind him. Despite his occasional visits to Refuge with Ren, there wasn't a moment when Taako didn't expect to see this man in a skeletal form. Yet, he stood grinning beside them. All skin and muscles, and with an intricate set of robes to match.

"Are you sure your buddy isn't going to mind me initiating the ceremony?"

"Merle? Yeah, he's gonna whine but he'll suck it up, no worries my man. Besides," Taako nodded towards the painting of Istus on the wall, "We are doing this in her place. Figured it makes sense to have one of her dudes in control, y'know?"

Decisions on where to hold the ceremony had been cumbersome, and not without heated discussion. The first option had been to hold it in the astral plane, where the Raven Queen herself could read off the vows, but after much decision they decided that would be a little hard to attend. Merle had argued for the same place they had held Carey and Killian's wedding, in a temple of Pan, and he would be vow master once again. Taako had laughed in his face at that one.

At last, they decided to go back to Refuge. To the very temple where Taako, Merle, and Magnus had first met the goddess of fate. All would be done in her name.

After all, it was the least Taako could do for her saving their asses a couple of times.

Taako and Kravitz would be wed under a painting of Istus.

They would be wed.

Taako's stomach flipped at the thought.

He was getting married.

Lup must have felt the sudden tension on her arm, because she flashed a smile and nod in Luca's direction and pulled Taako off towards the dressing room.

The moment the door clicked shut behind her, Taako sunk slowly onto the couch set up there.

"Tell Barold not to get Kravitz situated. I can't do this."

"Oh, c'mon Taako. Don't tell me you're getting cold feet."

"Fine," Taako leaned deeper into the couch. "I won't tell you then."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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