You want me to curse a REAL sword?

519 7 16

1111 words (not even joking)

Taako and Lup (with guest appearance from Barold J. Bluejeans)

Lup comes home to find Taako in her house begging for her to curse a sword for him.


"Do you know how to curse a sword?"

"A what?"

Candlenights is a travelling holiday. No one was ever entirely sure when it will land. There were years when it came mid-summer, others when it held off until long after the year had ended, and, most stressful, those when it came without warning. This year has, unfortunately, been one of those. Lup has known it since the first snowfall over New Phandalin where her and Barry have been staying. Immediately afterwards the shops started. Reefs began to appear on doors, signs advertising "festively low prices" surfaced, and crudely drawn pictures depicting a particular old man dressed in red began to haunt her at every turn.

Candlenights is coming. And it's only a matter of time before it hit them all like a storm.

She supposes it is for just this reason that she walks into her home to find Taako sprawled out on her couch, flipping through a magazine of Fantasy Fine Cooking with his feet resting on their coffee table. Lup sighs.

"Babe, could you give Taako and me a moment?"

Barry, who had followed her in, flashes her a look of remorse. The two of them were still dressed in their reaper robes, Barry with his scythe still in his hands. It was a long day after Krav had caught wind of a band of necromancers over in Goldcliffe and she had promised Barry some well-earned kanoodling after the job was done. She can only give him a small shrug she hopes comes across as "you know how he is" before the man gives in.

"Yeah, Barold. It's twin time."

The winter air that had blown in fades as Barry shuts the door silently behind him and nods up towards the top of the staircase. "I'll, uh, be in our room."

And with that, the twins were left alone.

"Okay, so, uh, about that sword."

Lup sighs, again, as she shrugs her robes off and leaves them hanging on the rack beside the door, only mildly aware of the twisted position Taako has moved himself into so that he's leaning on the back of the couch rather than the armrest. He looks up at her expectantly.

"What in the Raven Queen's name do you need a cursed sword for, Taako?"

"It's a Candlenights present."

"For whoooooom?"

Taako stares at her for a moment, almost as if he doesn't trust her to keep the secret. Which, she knows is absurd. He's much more likely enjoying the dramatic suspense he's putting her through.

"You can't tell anyone. Defo not Barold up there. That man can't shut his yap to save his life."

"That's my husband you're talking about."

"Hey." Taako puts his hands up defensively. "No one told you to marry that. That's on you bubbala."

Lup loves her brother. Honestly, she does, and after decades in that damn umbrella she wanted nothing more than to be in his company after she had gotten now. It's been a year now, though, and she's beginning to remember why the two of them fought so much back at their aunts place.

"Who's the damn sword for?"

"Okay, okay, since you begged." He grins up at her, unable to conceal the obvious excitement behind his words. "It's for Krav."

Lup smiles a bit at that. She should have guessed. Everyone else, with the exception of herself, would probably get something baked. Who else would he go all out for but the reaper he never shuts up about? "What does Kravitz want with a cursed sword?"

"He's been looking at Magnus' whenever we're all hanging out. He's got a real thing for the flaming raging yada yada." He waves his wrist in a circle. "Whatever. He likes it, and it's sorta cute. Figured it'd be a good present. A fire stick of his own."

Lup tilts her head. "He hates that thing. Calls it a fire hazard."

"That's code for he's jealous. Trust me, I know my man. Besides, that bird princess or whoever has you all carrying around, what, gardening tools like the one Barry has?"

From upstairs, Barry shouts, "Hey, I like my scythe!"


"Right, right, my bad."

Taako rolls his eyes. "See, Kravitz isn't a nerd like a certain somebody. He's Taako's arm candy now. He's gotta be rolling in style."

"So your solution is a sword?"

A grin flashes across his features. "Good, huh?"

"Taako you're a transmutation wizard. You can't do this on your own?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm just going to show up and wave my wrists all like, 'Here babe, hope you like fire because I'm about to turn this badass lump of steal into a literal ball of flames.' Jeez, Lup, don't you have any idea how transmutation magic works?"

She chuckles. "Okay, fine, understood. You suck at magic."

"I didn't say that."

She tsks. "Kinda sounded like it. Sounded a lot like 'Taako sucks at magic and can't put a permanent charm on a simple weapon.'"

"Look who's talking Ms. 'I blew up part of the ship at least once every cycle'."

"Hey, that was for science!" But even as she says it, Lup has already broken down into a fit of giggles, and by the looks of it Taako isn't far behind.

She throws herself down on the couch beside Taako and leans her head on his shoulder as he laughs, taking the chance to close her eyes for the few seconds she's allowed.

"So? Think you can do your favorite twin brother a little favor?"

Lup sighs. "I don't know, Taako."

"Lup. Hey, Lulu. Look at me Lulu." She glances up at him to see an expression of stone serious had fallen over him. "It's Taako."

Snorting out a laugh, she shoves him away. "That doesn't work on me!"

"I'll roll a persuasion check against you. Don't think I won't."

"Shut up."

"It's a seventeen. Hey. Hey Lulu." Again, she makes the mistake of looking up at that stupid, grave face of his. "You can't ignore my seventeen Lulu."

She let's out a sigh. "FINE. I'll curse the damn sword for you."

Taako absolutely brightens, and plants a kiss on Lup's cheek before throwing himself off the couch and towards the door.

She stands as he goes. "Where are you going?"

"Gotta buy the sword, homie. Just gonna run over to the Fantasy Costco for a sec." He moves to pull the door shut behind him but freezes and backs up so that he's looking at her again. "Oh, and by the way. I need it done by tomorrow."

At the sound of Lup's frustrated "TAAKO" he slams the door shut behind him.

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