Chapter 1: Reset... Reset...

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"I must find a way..." Frisk said to herself. She just reached the pacifist ending for the... 20th? 25th? Who knows? She stroked her hair in frustration. From the second she reached her first pacifist ending to now, She always felt that she hadn't saved everyone, She was determined to save EVERYONE. A couple of resets after the first reset, She knew who she had to save. Asriel and Chara. 

Back to reality, Frisk's hand hovered above the reset button, about to press it, she heard a boney voice from behind. "kid, don't you get tired of all these resets?" Frisk jumped and turned around to see his punny friend, Sans. "y'know, maybe you should think about how others feel about resets" Sans said, " though, what i really need to talk about is this" His voice then turns cold and his eyes turn blank "whatever you do, do NOT do a genocide run, unless you want a bad time" Frisk backed away a bit out of fear. Frisk remembered these days when hate overcame her and killed all of her friends, only to be met with Sans in the judgment halls. She died so many times, LOADing and LOADing for what she felt like a million times. When she finally beat him, she walked down the hall, leaving sans's dust and blood-stained hoodie, and papyrus's scarf.

Frisk's hand still hovered above the "RESET" button. She then swiped the air and the button disappeared. Frisk turned around and faced Sans, "Sans, I don't want to reset anymore," Frisk said, slightly smiling. "Maybe there could be something on the surface that could help achieve my goal" "heh, how about a promise?" Sans said, his eyes becoming normal "i won't judge you from the genocide route, and you won't reset, k?" "Deal," Frisk said, shaking sans's hand. 

"Frisk, may I talk with you in private please?" Asgore said, leading her away from the group.  "Frisk, right now, I am going to ask something from you." "Huh?" Frisk said, confused. She never went this far so she didn't know what was going on. "I must ask you, Frisk, would you mind being the ambassador for monsters and humans?" Asgore said "But... King Asgore... I don't know how to do all that political stuff." Frisk said, slightly nervous from the request. "Don't worry Frisk, I'm sure all of your friends will help you," Asgore stated as he pointed to all of her friends. Frisk sighed "King Asgore, I accept the request," She said, smiling. "Great! I will announce to all of my subjects to pack their stuff up and get ready to move to the surface." Asgore said, walking down the mountain, back to the underground.

"My child," Toriel said, hugging Frisk tightly "I am so proud of you! I knew you had it in you." "Thanks, Toriel.." Frisk said, trying to breathe. Toriel let go of the hug, realizing something "My Child.. Frisk.. I believe that you must go back to your own family, do you not?" Toriel said sadly, one tear started to form in her eye. "Toriel, My parents, they abandoned me here, they didn't want me, so they left me here, to live and survive on my own" Frisk said sadly "I came across Mt. Ebott and fewer people were there, so I decided to climb the mountain, hopefully finding something useful. I was foolish, I tripped down a hole and ended up in the underground" "These parents of yours seem quite foolish of letting this child go" Toriel said, pinching her cheek "You are a very cute girl, nevertheless that you freed our race" Frisk giggled and blushed a little "No need for all of the acknowledgement on me, it was all my friends here mom!" Frisk said, realising what she had said. "My child, do you really think that I am your mother figure?" Toriel said, bending down to have her face aligned with mine. "Yes... you were like a mother figure to me back at the underground...." "Really? Then, Child will you like to stay with me for the time being?" Toriel said, "Yes I would," Frisk said, hugging her new mom.

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