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Frisk POV:

I woke up to light shining in my eyes. I sit up from my bed. I still have my dress on from my birthday party. I could hear the birds singing; I peek out of my window to see mom's golden flowers blooming. On days like these, kids like me--

"Hey, kiddo."

I turn to see my friend sans, sitting on my chair.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask, how did I not notice him before?!

"Tori said to come to get you; she has good mom instincts" Sans replied, tinkering with my pencil.

"Alright then, Tell mom I'll be down in a few minutes," I said, yawning after

"sure kiddo," Sans said, instantly teleporting out of my room. I forgot he could do that. I mean... HOW DID I FORGET THAT!

I sighed, my room was a mess. Scattered clothes everywhere, some papers from school, oh and a candy wrapper. I walk around all the mess I've created in my room and pick an outfit. The classic purple and a blue striped sweatshirt with some jumpers. I clean up my room a little before I head downstairs.

"NYEHEHEHEH! I SEE HUMAN FRISK HAS COME TO GET SOME BREAKFAST! COME HUMAN! SIT WITH ME!" Papyrus offered. I always loved that voice, so innocent, yet so um.. loud?

"Sure Papyrus!" I said happily, walking toward the seat. Suddenly, I trip over what seems to be a book and fall on the ground.

"Oof!" I say, falling on the ground.

"Kid are you alright?" Sans said, standing to help me up.

"My child! are you hurt? Why did you fall?" Toriel asked worriedly.

"I just thought the floor needed a hug," I said, the floor also muffling my voice. Sans started laughing while Papyrus was scolding him about how he was laughing while I was hurt. Toriel helped me up to sit, and we began to eat our breakfast.

"Mhm! Butterscotch Pie! My favorite!" I had begun to say after the first bite of the pie. I could never forget the screamy and sweet taste of it. NEVER in my life. If I could, I would eat it forever! Of course, if it also had the fact that I wouldn't get fat over it.

"Child, do not talk while eating your food. You know how I encourage proper etiquette here." Mom had said, walking to the sink to settle her plate inside.

"Yes, Mom..." I replied.

The rest of the time was talking and laughing and Toriel ranting about proper etiquette. 

"WELL, WE OUGHT TO GET GOING HUMAN! GOODBYE FOR NOW!" Papyrus yelled? Said? Who knew?

"that's right kid, it's already like, 12PM or somethin'," Sans said.

"Alright then, bye!" I said. After they had left, I kissed my mom before I went upstairs back into my room.

My room was sort of messy. Books EVERYWHERE. You would've thought I was a good student, with all these books around. But I assure you, I'm not. 90% of the books inside my room are all books from Alphys. She didn't need it anymore, so I suggested to give it to me since I told her I wanted to learn more about Monsters and Humans. But that was a lie. I wanted to bring back Chara and Asriel some way.

And while I read one of the books, I found a way.

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