Chapter 4: The Process

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"Reviving of a Soul," I read aloud to myself

After all this time, maybe this could be it! The answer has been right in front of me all along! I can finally bring back Chara and Asriel back. I would finally be able to finish my objective. To have a TRUE pacifist route.

Before I begin reading, I get a piece of butterscotch pie for the journey of reading. It was a big slice. A big slice for a big journey.

Ever since I was a kid, I had always loved reading. It helped me get away from family problems. I sighed, thinking how thankful I am to have a family like this now. I began reading.

"If a human with the determination soul that can withhold much determination learns to use monster magic, it may revive. To determine if a determination soul has a sufficient amount of determination inside, it must be consulted by one whose occupation is similar to a scientist. Consult a Scientist and do not do it yourself for if you do, there is a high chance of you dying."

Huh. Wonder if I could do that.

I then pick up my phone to call Alphys.


I guess she's busy. Probably with Undyne.

Who else am I to call? 

I think. Toriel and Asgore could help, but they don't know much about science. Papyrus... Yeah, I don't think that'll work out. But wait. Sans. He must know something. 

I quickly then dial sans number, and it starts ringing.


"Hello?" Sans answered (I will do capital because I'm too lazy to make it lowercase)

"Hey, Sans! Can you teleport here? I think it'd be better if you told in real life." I replied, hoping he would say yes. I then hear some weird glitchy noises on my phone. As I grew confused, I suddenly heard something.


I jumped up and turned around to see Sans laughing his butt off. "That reaction was priceless!" He quickly said, still laughing about what had just happened.

"I hate you," I quickly said. I then gave to book to sans.

"What's this?" He questioned me.

I then quickly say, "You see, for the past years, I've been trying to save Chara and Asriel, so I thought--" 

"You mean that demon Chara?" Sans asked, his eye sockets getting darker by the second.

I continued, "Yeah, yeah anyways--"

"Yup, I'm out," Sans quickly said. I held his hand, asking him to wait. "You realize that me and Char-- that Demon have a bad history right?"

"But she changed, trust me" I quickly reassured him. Somehow, it got through him.

"Fine. So what do you want me to do?" he asked. I then explained the plan to him.

"Kid, you realize you could potentially kill yourself right?" I nodded.

"You also realize that you're putting our emotions at risk?" I nodded

"You too realize that I, not being a 'fancy-dancy' scientist am not qualified to this?" I nodded

Sans sighed, then finally giving up.

"Kid, you're going to be the death of me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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