Chapter 8: Fp's Trailer

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Toni's POV
I woke up to the bright sun in my eyes. I look around and saw that Cheryl and I were both almost fully naked in the back of her car. I quickly got dress. I kissed Cheryl lightly to wake her up.
"Good morning honey." I whispered in her ear.
She slowly rubbed her eyes and yawned. She was beautiful.
"I wanna go back to sleep." Cheryl said.
"Not today because we have school but don't worry it's Friday." I said.
"Let's skip today! School makes me want to gag." Cheryl said as she slowly go dressed. I thought about skipping school. We probably not going to miss anything so why not.
"Great idea! The skipping school part not the gagging part." I said. Cheryl smiled and kiss me gently.
We drove around together until we finally got to Pop's.
"Cheryl I gotta tell u something." I said looking down.
"What?" She asked. She placed her hand on top of mine.
"That night of the ghoulie fight, when I drove home.. the serpents thought that meant I was choosing a northsider over them. So they kicked out of the Southside and right now it is being decided if I should be kick out of the serpents. Jughead said it not looking good and I haven't heard from them in a while." I said. She looked guilty but the her faced turn sour. She was mad.
"I swear to god the next time I see a serpent I'm going to.." She said but I kissed her so she wouldn't say anything more.
"Ahhh I knew you were going to be mad. It's fine, okay as long as I have you I'm going to be happier than ever." I said giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. She smiles.
"Come on." She says walking to the door.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"It's a surprise." She said grabbing my hand as we walk towards her car.
We drove for a little while but I noticed where she was going towards, she was driving to the Southside. We pulled over at sunnyside trailer park.
"Cheryl what are we doing here? I told you they don't want me in the Southside." I said.
"Where's Fp's trailer?" She asked. She gave me puppy dog eyes. It was hard to resist.
"Why should I tell you?" I asked.
"Because I am you loving girlfriend and I'll reward you once we're done here." She whispered in my ear. She sent shivers down my spine.
"He's in the second on to the left." I said quickly.
"Good girl." Cheryl said kissing my cheek.
We walk to the trailer and knock. When Fp opened the door I looked down at my feet. I didn't want to look him in the eye.
"What's a traitor and a northsider doing here?" He asked. His voice was deep and scary.
"Well, Toni's no traitor so you're wrong there." Cheryl says was walking into the trailer I followed shortly after her.
"The hell she's not! She ran out on her own to save a northsider!" He yelled.
"Don't yell at her!" I yelled back. I finally looked up and next his eyes.
"I didn't run out I went to go look for Jughead remember the law it says 'No serpent left behind' and I didn't know if the ghoulies had him." I said. I lied but it was exactly wrong I did want to look for Jughead but I still didn't. I sent Sweet Pea to look for him. Fp's face changed, he was realizing he was wrong.
"How do I know you're not lying?" He said.
"Ask Sweet Pea. I told him I was going to look for Jughead. He knows." I said. Sweet Pea was my best friend in the serpents. I know he would lie for me.
"We'll ask him but I swear to god if he says you're lying then a lot worse is going to happen to you than getting kicked out of the serpents." Fp says. I nervous I know Sweet Pea would lie but I don't know how far he would take it.
"Fine." I said. I grabbed Cheryl's hand and we walk out of his trailer.
"I felt like I couldn't breathe." I said to Cheryl.
"But now I do remember you telling me there was a reward at the end of this." I said once we got in the car.
"Oh yeah I did say that." Cheryl said smiling.
An: It's been a week since I've posted! I'm so sorry I just been very busy but I will post more often now.

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