Chapter 12: The End

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Cheryl's POV
I woke up early in the morning about 6am, and saw that Toni wasn't besides me in bed. I slowly got up and saw she wasn't even home. She probably went out to get breakfast. I started to clean while she was gone the trailer was a mess.
3 hours pass with no word of Toni. Now I'm worry, I began asking around if anyone saw Toni, but everyone has the same response "no", until I asked Sweet Pea.
"Yeah, I saw her leave at about 3." 3? I didn't hear her leave. Where did she go? I decided to drive around to see if I find her. While I was driving I got a call from my mother.
"What do you?!" I yelled. My mother has never been my favorite person but this was seriously.
"I can't tell you over the phone, come home." She says in a serious almost scary voice. I drove home though. What if she did something to Toni? I sped home and once I got there my mother stood with a wicked smile on her face.
"Mother. What so important I need to be here?" I asked with my hands on my hips.
"It's bad news, well good news for me." She said. My palms began to sweat. I was nervous, what was bad for me but good for her?
"Get in my car, I want you to see for yourself." She said. I got in the car because my curiosity got the best of me. We drove in silence for about an hour. The car stopped in a full parking lot. I check to see where we were and I saw in was a..... hospital?
"Mother, what are we doing at a hospital?" She said. I got out of the car quickly, WHY ARE WE AT A HOSPITAL?!
"You'll see." Was all my mother said while we waited in the waiting area. A nurse came after we waited for about 30 mins. We took the elevator to the urgent care center of the hospital. My heart was pounding was it Toni we were visiting?
"Mother tell me why are we here! Now!" I yelled I could take the suspense. My mother look at me disappointed almost.
"We're here to visit someone." My mother said as we followed the nurse to the room.
"This is the room." The nurse said leaving us at the door. My heart was going 100 mph, my palms were sweating, I couldn't handle the wait I open the door and ran inside.
In the bed laid my one love..... Antoinette Topaz.
"NO!NO!" I cried. She was bruise from head to toe.
my mother waited behind us almost snickering I shouted "What happened?!" Tears were streaming down my cheeks and I wasn't planning on stopping.
"The doctor said she probably won't make it the night. She probably won't wake up." My mother says. When I heard what she said I fainted. The love of my life was going to die......I didn't want to accept that.
"She jumped of a bridge sometime last night. You were her emergency contact but you left your phone here so I pretended to be you and signed a Do not resuscitate." With these words my mother spoke I could feel my anger boiling up.
"GET OUT! YOUR NOT MY MOTHER! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" I yelled. I couldn't stop crying. This was the end. My mother walked out without another word.
In Toni's last moment I just held her and talking to her. I told her how amazing our first kiss was and how I was so glad I met her. When she took her final breath I think I felt her squeeze my hand. At that moment I knew happiness will never exist in my life ever again.
The serpents held a memorial service for her but I didn't show up because in her time of need the serpents weren't there they betrayed her trust I couldn't show up and act like I was fine with that.

Time skip to 10 years in the future

It's the anniversary of Toni's death and I don't know how to feel about it though time heals all wounds but I still feel empty, but I did find happiness again. I fell in love again with the person that I first fell in love with, Heather. We reconnected after two years after her death. I know Toni would've wanted me to move on so that's what I'm doing though I will never love anyone as much as I loved Toni. Toni will forever and always will be my only love.

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