Part Two

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Lincoln was walking home after a long, eventful day at the mall. He was trying to pick up the pace a bit for fear of being late and getting reprimanted by his parents or worse, not getting to eat his dinner. He was feeling quite happy that he made a new friend, especially since he finds it somewhat hard to do so. Halfway to his house however, Lincoln received a text message. He thought it was Clyde or something telling him whatever information about whatever part of his day that he felt like sharing his bud, and usually he ignores the text messages in situations such as these because he was trying to get to his house quickly, but this time, Lincoln decided to take some time out to stop and see what the message was.

He went into an alcove nearby a couple of other residential houses and checked his cell phone. It was Sam. Lincoln was a bit confused as to why she would send him a text so early but he decided to read it. It said:

"Lincoln, can you do me a favor? Plz tell no one that we met. Personal reasons"

Lincoln was a bit confused as to why Sam requested him to not tell anyone that they met, but he respected her decision and replied back with an "OK"message. After the text successfully was sent and he got a note that Sam read it, he resumed running back to his place.

It only took 15 minutes to get from the mall to his place. Pretty good, all things considered, especially since Lincoln was trying to get there as quick as he can. He was pooped once he got there and had to catch his breath before entering his house. Lincoln was not really a fan of P.E. or physical exercise in general, so him having to run a great distance kinda took the wind out of him.

After catching his breath, he entered his house and not long after he came in, he heard Lynn Sr., his father, say "Supper's ready", and then he heard the stampede that was his sisters run from their respective rooms down the stairs on to the dining room to get their grub on. After his sisters raced downstairs, he walked in solemnly to the room, his sisters already sitting at the table ready to eat. He took his seat which was beside Lynn Jr. and Lisa.

"Hope you're all ready for Fish-Fried Friday," his Dad said, showing off his recent prepared delicacy, comprised mostly of fish-related meals. It did not take very long for the girls' to grab their respective portions of the supper, every one in the family engaged in their usual dinner discussions, which began with Lori.

"So I was talking with Boo-Boo Bear today and I had to tell him about what Whitney did. It was literally just so embarrassing..." the eldest sister started as other sisters discussed their various topics.

"I had fun at field hockey. I totally scored 6 goals in the first game and 7 in the second game. Kinda a slow day for me," said Lynn Jr., the sporty sister who was sitting beside Lincoln.

"I tried out some whoopie-cushion related humour on Benny today," began Luan, the aspiring comedienne of the family, "needless to say it was quite a gas. Haha, get it?"

Lincoln decided to try and keep silent and eat his food but halfway through eating his food, his parents asked him about his day.

"Lincoln", Rita, his Mom said, "you've been awfully quiet since you got home. Tell us about your day"

"Uh, my day?" Lincoln asked in a somewhat scared fashion. "Uh... my day, yeah." Lincoln played with his food a little bit and then thought of a good response, "Oh you know, it was just average. I went to school and then went to the comic book store and the arcade. Clyde was on vacation so I had to go by myself"

"And that was it?" Lynn Sr. asked.

"Uh yep." Lincoln did not like lying, especially in front of his family. He just knew that he would be caught if he lied too much so he tried to keep it silent.

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