Part Four

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After Lincoln dominated at the various arcade beat-em-ups, shooters, and puzzlers that Gus' Games & Grub had, the time flew by and it became relatively close to eleven o'clock. He was so invested in his gaming and his hot streak at Sugar Rush, he soon looked at his phone and say that the time was 10:45 a.m. He had lost track of time and immediately checked to see if the bus that was able to take him to Savino Park was nearby. He looked outside and saw that it was making its rounds, and he ran out of the restaurant, leaving his in-progress game (though unbeknownst to him, another kid picked up where Lincoln left off, and did reasonably well). He zoomed outside with an awkward, yet brisk stride, managing to make the bus before it departed from the nearest bus stop, locating at the next block away from "Triple-G".

Lincoln paid the driver with exact change from the remainder of money he had left over from the gaming he did, and sat in a seat in the middle of the bus, next to a middle-aged balding man on his iPhone and an older lady with perhaps deteriorating eyesight. He wasn't quite accustomed to bus riding etiquette as most of the people who were on this particular bus seemed to be misfits and outcasts, older people, and people who likely do not have an actual license, none of whom Lincoln knew. A person of a younger generation accompanying the other passengers did draw some attention to him, with some of the older crowd being somewhat surprised. The ride to the park was bumpy to say the least.Him being spoiled by his father's particularly strong driving skills and the fact that the street he happened to be travelling on was full of potholes made this ride particularly unpleasant. The seat he was on was very uncomfortable, the floor had various bits of garbage and the stench reeked of B.O., and yet despite all this,Lincoln was intrigued with the surprise that Sam had promised hours earlier. 'What could it be' was a thought that popped in his head continually throughout the day. I mean, he did not know Sam particularly well nor particularly long, but still the fact that she wanted to show him something had him genuinely curious.

The bus took a little over 16 minutes to reach the destination. The park was located somewhat near the outer edge of the town and from the restaurant was actually only a ten minute commute if Lincoln were to get a rid from Vanzilla or some other vehicle, but in this case with the potholes and the bus having to make continual stops, it look slightly longer, though thankfully,nobody wanted to board the bus, but substantially more people wanted to depart. Eventually, Lincoln's stop approached and he got off of the vehicle. He stood nearby the entrance to the park and watched as the bus picked up a few tourists and ventured back into the city.

Savino Park was a national park and nature trail located outside Royal Woods and was named after the founder of Royal Woods. Lincoln did not really remember ever going to this park despite its relative closeness to the town. Maybe when he was younger, as he vaguely remembered faded memories of a couple of family outings when he was like five, but that's about it. He certainly could place the name of the town as it was a popular enough place for people to go to in general, and he did hear through passing conversations about some of his schoolmates making frequent visits,but other than that, he did not remember much about the park.However, he was excited to see what was at this location and what Sam was going to show him.

And speaking of Sam, she arrived about four minutes later, being picked up by an Uber. She stepped out and Lincoln immediately noticed that she changed her pants from the old denim jeans to the more stylish purple velvet pants, which was very eye-catching and kept in pristine condition despite her obvious torn denim blue jeans. She paid the driver and like the bus that came before headed back to the city. Sam looked around a bit, but could instantly see Lincoln's white hair, especially since he was the only preteen she ever met with that colour hair.

"Hey Sam," Lincoln said as he waved at Sam.

"Hey man!" Sam replied, walking towards him, "good to see that you took me up on my offer."

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