Part Three

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After a lengthy night of Lincoln dreaming about wicker baskets of allthings, the morning arrived at the Loud House. Saturday is usually abusy day for most of the Louds, as since there was no school, most ofthem had other things to do. Lynn has her many sports, Leni goesshopping, Lisa has a seminar, and that sort of thing. Lincoln usuallyhung out with Clyde, but because he was on vacation, he had a prettywide-open schedule. That is he did, until he made plans to hang withhis new friend Sam. Lincoln was excited to meet up with Sam and talkwith her.

But first he had to make it past the sisternado outside. While someof the sisters were out, some of them were still in and they would beno doubt inquisitive about what he would be doing, as they knew aboutthe vacationing McBrides. So he had to go into stealth mode like hiscomic book hero, Ace Savvy. After getting dressed, his next stop wasthe washroom to comb his hair and brush his teeth. He opened the doorvery slightly to see if any sisters were in the way. He could seeLucy walking to the stairs but thankfully she did not notice herbrother looking out his bedroom door, and her hair was usually overher eyes. Still she could navigate around and never bumped into wallsunlike his sister Leni, who has never had problems with her vision.Once Lucy made her way down the stairs, Lincoln slowly opened hisdoor and tiptoed to the washroom. But then suddenly a noise made himstop in his tracks.

"Hold up!" It was his sister Lori, "that is literally gross."She was coming out of her room and talking on her phone to whateverfriend about whatever subject. "I know! I do not wish that on myworst enemy. Speaking of which, did you hear about what Todd postedon Swiftypic, you will literally roll on the floor laughing..." shesaid as she walked from her house to the stairs, all the while noteven noticing her brother Lincoln at the west wing of the hallway.

Lincoln did not have any sisters come out to the hallway, meaning hehad a clear path to the washroom. Miraculously, he made it to thewashroom and was able to brush his teeth and comb his hair in peace.He was starting to be excited but also worried because usually atleast one sister would come out and disturb him and ruin his plans.Multiplying his caution tenfold, he slowly tiptoed to the stairs.Like before, the once noisy Loud house seemed desolate since most ofthe sisters were out or in another room. He could hear the televisionfaintly from another room as he made it down the stairs and he had noidea if one of the sisters would ambush. He reached the bottom of thestairs and tried to reach the door. Lucy was watching Vampires ofMelancholia with her bust of the main character, Edwin, on the couch.Lincoln knew that even though it was a rerun, his spooky sister hadher "eyes" glued to the program, clutching the bust like a babywith a blanket, even getting a little physical with it, which Lincolnfound kinda creepy, but still he had to not make a noise. Even as thedoor creaked, Lucy's full attention was on the T.V program so muchthat she did not notice her brother exiting the Loud house.

Silently closing the door behind him, he breathed a sigh of reliefand was astounded that he could exit the majority of the propertywithout one of his sisters noticing him. He then walked normally downthe stairs of the deck and onto the path of the Loud house propertyall with his eyes closed because he felt pretty good that he was ableto leave the property without--

"Whatcha doin', big brother?"

Oops. He neglected to notice Lana playing in the mud outside. Heturned around to see his adorable sister covered in mud, making mudpies and other mud sculptures.

"Uh... well..." Lincoln was a little nervous, but still a bitrelieved that it was Lana who noticed him and not some of his othersisters. Quickly he had to think of something, but instead he trustedhis younger sister with some information. "Lana, do you think youcan keep a secret?"

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