Part 5

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About a week passed by. The same-old-same-old for Lincoln and his family, which accounts for all of his sisters doing what they do best. Luna was perking up in that time. She was able to tell her family that during her time of melancholy she wrote a good deal of music with dark lyrics and somber melodies, much to Lucy's delight. Lincoln was happy that his sister was starting to act like her old self, but he still could not help but wonder what caused her to be so glum. He never saw her this sad in her entire life. Not even the breakup of one of her favourite bands did not cause her this much grief. She still did not really do much by the way of leaving the house, except for a brief excursion to the music store to get better strings for her guitar and a Pepsi, but other than that, she mostly spent her time in her room, writing and making music. He was sure that Luan probably knew about it, but he did not want to invade his sister's privacy, remembering the inane"sister protocol" from a while back.

During that week, Lincoln kept in contact with Sam thanks to their cell phones. They talked a little bit every day, despite not really meeting up all that much in those days. They talked about random subjects, from their favourite memes to why there was braille at drive-up ATMs. Lincoln was getting increasingly more comfortable talking with her. She was so easygoing and friendly, even when they talked about just stupid and silly stuff, or whether Lincoln was having a subpar day, she would cheer him up with a funny GIF or video. They could relate about the troubles of schoolwork, though Sam's schoolwork tended to be quite a bit harder than Lincoln's due to her being many grades higher.Lincoln's brain hurt whenever he tried to comprehend the advanced calculus and algebra that Sam had to deal with on a regular basis. He was grateful that he did not have to deal with it.

Sam did talk quite a bit about music and her band, now wanting to be named "Couch Fire" and George wanting to be called Sully now because he felt it was more "rockin'".Luna still wasn't feeling like coming to many of the rehearsals and despite their deadline fast approaching, Sam managed to steer the ship away from the rocks for the most part, even though Luna had more leadership skills than she could. The stress of trying to deal with George and Ruth's often conflicting ideas and their anxiety over where Luna was and what she was doing was getting to Sam, but she thankfully was able to use her brief times talking with her friends,including Lincoln, as a sort of break from the insanity of day-to-day life. She was emotionally strong.

Lincoln thankfully did not have to deal with Sam's load and his week was routine. He had heard that Leni was beginning to go on her first date with Chaz soon, and although Lincoln never met him, he could tell from Leni constantly describing him that he seemed like a good fit for her. The same thing was going on with Luan and Benny, who he heard were going steady in such a short time. He looked at those examples and had a little bit of jealousy. Lincoln was growing up, and before he used to think girls were icky and gross, but he was starting to develop weird feelings for some of his classmates, including Jordan and Stella, two good female friends of his. He also felt the same way about Sam. It wasn't too pronounced since he was still young and innocent and naive and had little to no actual knowledge of dating or the opposite sex, but he was still starting to get a little curious. He knew he was still young and had plenty of time for stuff like that to happen to him, he still wondered about it seeing as how even some of his classmates were starting to get girlfriends at that age. But he did not dare talk about this with Sam. He did not want to freak her out or think of him as pervy or gross. So instead, they discussed stuff like Ace Savvy or Super Mega Brawlers Turbo Fighter XXXII, or some other nerdy thing. He especially liked talking to her about nerdy stuff because it was like talking to one of his classmates and when he tried talking about that stuff with his older sisters, they were frequently very uninterested or didn't even care. Sam was the first older girl he ever met who had a lot of his interests, and that combined with her general easygoing and fun nature made her a lot of fun to converse with, even if it was via the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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